People transforming the development

Bioenergy Community of Practice

The Bioenergy Community of Practice (BioE CoP) was launched in 2016 as a space to exchange experiences, build capacity and collaborate among people, organizations and countries, with the aim of promoting the development of policies and business models for the sustainable development of bioenergy in Latin America and the Caribbean. . During these years, topics such as policies and investments in bioelectricity; policies and market development for biogas projects; bioenergy and climate action; challenges for the development of bioenergy, how to integrate bioenergy into public policies, among others, have been addressed.

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We invite all interested parties to participate in the Bioenergy community.

Activities and themes

Past and planned activities include: online exchange and training sessions, face-to-face workshops, bilateral exchanges, organization of webinars, coordination of technical assistance to member organizations, dissemination of information to CoP members on relevant initiatives and tools, and development of knowledge products.

Although the Community of Practice has a broad focus on different forms of bioenergy, each year the learning activities are organized around a specific theme, which is selected based on the interests expressed by the CoP members.

The themes during the first three years have been:

Please see below a list of our online and face-to-face activities.


The CoP currently has active members from 14 Latin American countries: : Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Uruguay. Since its creation, the CoP has addressed issues such as bioelectricity policies and investments, policies and market development for biogas projects, bioenergy and climate action, bioenergy development challenges, how to integrate bioenergy into public policies, among others.

Map of organic waste recovery projects in Latin America and the Caribbean

The map is the product of a collaborative process facilitated by the Communities of Practice on Organic Emissions Reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean (MetLAC) and Bioenergy (CoP BioE).

Recent activities


Training program "The potential of residual biomass and bioenergy for the decarbonization of the energy matrix in Latin American countries". 

Session 2. Densification technologies and technical processes (Feb. 18, 2025) (Dec. 10, 2024)


Training sessions for CoP members.

Training 1. Capacity building session on business models (April 30, 2024).

Exchange sessions among the members of the CoP.

Session 1. Advances and perspectives of liquid biofuels for the decarbonization of the transportation sector in Latin America (February 13, 2024).

Session 2. Potential contribution of biomethane to transport decarbonization (May 28, 2024).

Session 3. Results of the Technical Assistance Missions Argentina and Colombia (June 25, 2024).

Session 4. Sustainable Bioenergy Projects through Carbon Credit Mechanisms - Atmosfair Case (September 24, 2024)

Networking Session (November 26, 2024)

Training program "The potential of residual biomass and bioenergy for the decarbonization of the energy matrix in Latin American countries" (December 10, 2024)

Webinar: "Business models for the financial viability of biogas projects".

In the repository:

Exchange session: Potential contribution of biomethane to transport decarbonization (May 28, 2024)

Bioenergy Challenge LAC 2023

The purpose of this initiative was to contribute to strengthening the capacities of organizations promoting bioenergy projects to structure business models that make investments financially viable, prepare bankable project proposals and approach potential sources of financing.

Get to know the Biogas projects map

See the map of Bioenergy projects that we have made with members of the Bioenergy CoP, if you want to collaborate in providing information on other projects, you can access this form or contact the coordinator.


Experience sharing session
The potential of organic waste for bioenergy and composting projects: The Reciclo Orgánicos Case

Capacity building session
Experiences and opportunities for biogas and methane projects to obtain incentives through carbon credits.


OECD Regional Workshop
Mobilization of financing and investments for bioenergy projects in LAC.

On-line presentation
Carbon markets: basics, opportunities and challenges for bioenergy projects

Results of technical assistance to institutions of the Community of Practice on Bioenergy

Exchange of experiences in the development of biogas projects in the agricultural and agroindustrial sector in Latin America.

Online presentation
The potential of hydrogen production and use


On-line presentation
"Analysis of barriers to biogas investment in Colombia".

This report presents the results and recommendations of the Study of Barriers to Biogas Investments in Colombia, developed in the framework of the Bioenergy Community of Practice by the LEDS LAC Regional Platform Secretariat and the LEDS GP Energy Working Group, with support from the LEDS GP Climate Helpdesk. The methodology used takes into account the experiences of biogas project developers and other stakeholders to identify the most important barriers to biogas investments and the most appropriate policy measures to address them.

Brief Report: Technical-economic analysis of alternatives for digestate management and fertilizer production.

This brief presents the main results of the technical assistance provided by a team from the Institute of Agricultural and Soil Engineering of the Universidad Austral de Chile to Agrogeneradora, Sociedad Anónima, a subsidiary of Grupo Central Agrícola (Guatemala), as part of the Climate Helpdesk support of the Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP).

This technical assistance has been managed by the Secretariat of the Regional Platform for Low Emission and Development Strategies (LEDS LAC), within the framework of the Bioenergy Community of Practice (Bio-E CoP).

On-line presentation
The GBEP Sustainability Indicators for Bioenergy in Paraguay. Methodology, results and policy recommendations.

  • GBEP Sustainability Indicators on Bioenergy - 1st edition (2011); available here.
  • Report "Sustainability of forest biomass for energy and ethanol from corn and sugarcane in Paraguay"; available here.
  • More information on GBEP and the measurement of indicators in other countries can be found on the web page:

On-line presentation
Integrating bioenergy into national energy and climate policy: The Honduran experience

On-line presentation
Inter-institutional coordination for the sustainable development of bioenergy: The case of Ecuador


On-line presentation
Biomethane in Argentina: potential, progress and policy challenges

On-line presentation
Making bioenergy sustainable

Discussion Workshop: The contribution of bioenergy to the decarbonization of transport

On-line presentation
Residential energy transition strategy in Chile: Sustainable alternatives to firewood.

On-line presentation
PROBIOMASA: Progress and lessons learned from the development of bioenergy in Argentina

Online presentation
The potential and challenges of bioenergy development: lessons from Brazil

Online presentation
Clean Energy ESB: reducing emissions and promoting sustainable development through biocarbon sequestration


Online presentation
Global Methane Hub activities and resources for the biogas industry

Organized in collaboration with CAF Development Bank of Latin America and other partners.

Expert dialogue on bioenergy and climate ambition at COP 25

Organized in collaboration with CAF Development Bank of Latin America and other partners.

2018 - Policy and market environment for sustainable biogas investments.

2017 - Reducing the risk of bioelectricity investments.

2016 - Bioelectricity policy

Private Archive

Are you a member of this Community of Practice?
Access the private archive containing historical material of all meetings and virtual sessions.


Aida Lorenzo

Community of Practice Coordinator

📩 [email protected]