People transforming the development

ArticuLAC: Public-Private Articulation for Climate Action

The Community of Practice of Public-Private Articulation for Climate Action (ArticuLAC), is an initiative of the Euroclima Program through GIZ, LEDS LAC and the Latin American Center for Competitiveness and Sustainable Development (CLACDS) of INCAE Business School. It began operations in 2018 and aims to promote the articulation and alignment of public and private sector climate strategies and actions. ArticuLAC is made up of representatives of government institutions and private sector organizations from Euroclima Program countries.

What is ArticuLAC?

This Community of Practice (CoP) was launched in 2018 in response to the need to achieve greater integration of the private sector in the formulation and implementation of climate policies and strategies. Both in regional and expert workshops on different topics, the need for governments in the region to have capacities and tools to establish dialogues and collaborative relationships with the private sector has been detected, as well as the importance of strengthening the participation of the private sector not only in policy implementation, but also from the early stages of its design.

National teams from EUROCLIMA+ Program countries, comprised of representatives from the public sector, private sector and other stakeholders involved in initiatives related to private sector participation in climate policy processes in their respective countries, participate in the CoP. CoP activities include face-to-face events and online sessions designed to promote joint learning from the exchange of experiences and knowledge of new methodologies and tools.

During its first year of work, between July 2018 and June 2019, teams of three people from 9 countries participated: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay.. The second year started at the end of November 2019, with teams of 6-8 people from eight countries: Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay.. The third year began in May 2021 and members from 13 Latin American countries are currently participating: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay.  See details in our news section.

Testimonials from ArticuLAC members

Memoria 2018-2023: Actividades, logros y aprendizajes / Activities, achievements and lessons learned 2018-2023.

Infographic about ArticuLAC

CoP Activities

Work phase 2024-2026

Fifth year of work, 2023-2024

Virtual and face-to-face Exchange Sessions among CoP members around topics in which the members themselves indicate an interest: 

ArticuLAC members share Latin American experiences on mechanisms for articulating private action with national climate goals

ArticuLAC supports the presentation of the AdaptAcción tool: A milestone in public-private collaboration for climate action in Peru

Webinar: Launch of the policy brief "Opportunities for aligning institutional investments with climate goals in Latin America and the Caribbean".

Fourth year of work, 2022 - 2023


Virtual and face-to-face Exchange Sessions among CoP members around topics in which the members themselves indicate an interest: 

Virtual Chat: COP27 Messages for the Latin American private sector


Virtual and face-to-face Exchange Sessions among CoP members around topics in which the members themselves indicate an interest: 

Face-to-Face Workshop 2022

Thirty members of the Community of Practice on Public-Private Articulation for Climate Action in Latin America (ArticuLAC) participated in a face-to-face workshop held July 25-27 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. In a highly interactive space, participants had the opportunity to exchange experiences, strengthen capacities and interact with their peers in the host country.

Third year of work, 2021 - 2022


Virtual and face-to-face Exchange Sessions among CoP members around topics in which the members themselves indicate an interest: 


The outcome of COP26 and its implications for private sector climate action


Virtual and face-to-face Exchange Sessions among CoP members around topics in which the members themselves indicate an interest: 

Training sessions (See informative note)

Discussion groups (Work continues in 2022)

Side event during COP26

Accelerating private sector climate ambition in Latin America: Opportunities and challenges of sectoral roadmaps for decarbonization

Second year of work, 2019-2020


Virtual and face-to-face Exchange Sessions among CoP members around topics in which the members themselves indicate an interest: 


Launching of the Good Practice Guide. Involucrando al sector privado en los procesos de formulación e implementación de las NDC / Engaging the Private Sector in the Design and Implementation of NDCs.

Discussion workshop

Involving the private sector in the formulation process of the company's long term (LTS)


Covid-19 and resilient low-emission development in Latin America: Opportunities and challenges for convergence of agendas from a private sector perspective 


Introductory Session of the second year of the CoP. Presentation of the teams and work plan (November 29, 2019).

Side Event at COP 25: Enhancing the private sector's contribution to climate action and ambition.

In collaboration with World Climate Ltd. Panelists from Chile, Colombia, Honduras, and Uruguay participated, as well as representatives from World Climate Ltd, the European Union, GIZ, LEDS LAC and CLACDS/INCAE. 

First year of work, 2018-2019


Second Community of Practice Workshop on Private Sector Engagement in Latin American Climate Policy ProcessesIt was held at the Novotel Hotel, Lima, Peru and lasted 3 days, between May 21 and 23, 2019. Its objective was to be a space to consolidate the learnings of the first year of the community and explore opportunities for the future of the CoP.

Virtual and face-to-face Exchange Sessions among CoP members around topics in which the members themselves indicate an interest:


Kick-off Workshop: Community of Practice on private sector involvement in climate policy processes in Latin America: It was held at the Hotel Cascada de las Ánimas, Cajón del Maipo, Chile and lasted 2 days, between July 30 and 31, 2018. Its objective was to generate a space for team members from the different countries to get to know each other personally, exchange experiences and learnings from their respective initiatives, and identify common challenges and topics for joint work.

Virtual and face-to-face Exchange Sessions among CoP members around topics in which the members themselves indicate an interest:



Toolbox to integrate climate change adaptation into corporate strategies / Caja de herramientas para integrar la adaptación al cambio climático en las estrategias empresariales / Toolbox to integrate climate change adaptation into corporate strategies


Practical guide for the alignment of private sector climate action with national goals and strategies / Guía práctica para el alineamiento de la acción climática del sector privado con las metas y estrategias nacionales / Guía práctica para el alineamiento de la acción climática del sector privado con las metas y estrategias nacionales / Practical guide for the alignment of private sector climate action with national goals and strategies

April, 2022
Prepared by: ArticuLAC
This Guide has been formulated based on the discussions held in various spaces for exchange and dialogue within the framework of ArticuLAC, taking advantage of the lessons learned and experiences of its members, who represent 49 public and private organizations from 13 Latin American countries.

EUROCLIMA+ Thematic Study 15. Involving the private sector in the formulation and implementation of NDCs: Good Practice Guide.

October, 2020
Prepared by: EUROCLIMA+


COP27 messages for the Latin American private sector

Main COP26 results and messages for the Latin American private sector

Infographics and Brochures

Infographic on the second year of work of the Community of Practice on Private Sector Engagement in Latin American Climate Policy Processes

Brochure on the first year of work of the Community of Practice on Engaging the Private Sector in Climate Policy Processes in Latin America

Policy Briefs

Oportunidades para alinear las inversiones institucionales con las metas climáticas en Latinoamérica y el Caribe / Opportunities to align institutional investments with climate goals in Latin America and the Caribbean

February 22, 2024
Lorena Téllez Farfán, LACADI / Transforma
Climate change and the transition to low-emission development present risks and opportunities for business. Achieving net-zero emissions by mid-century is crucial to limit global temperature rise. Institutional investors, such as PFAs and insurers, play a key role, although their contribution to financing sustainable development remains limited in the region. The resilience of their investments and their ability to take advantage of climate transition opportunities could significantly affect their portfolio returns.

Instrumentos de política pública para promover la acción climática del sector privado : experiencias de Latinoamérica y el Caribe / Public policy instruments to promote private sector climate action: experiences from Latin America and the Caribbean

June 2023
Priscila Picado Valenzuela, CLACDS/ INCAE and Ana María Majano, LEDS LAC and CLADCS/ INCAE
During the second half of 2022, a discussion group was organized on public policy instruments to promote private sector climate action. This group developed three working sessions focused on different instruments used in the region: carbon taxes, voluntary emissions reporting schemes and sustainable public procurement. in the region: carbon taxes, voluntary emissions reporting schemes and sustainable public procurement. In addition, other sessions of the Community of Practice addressed concepts and experiences on carbon markets. This document summarizes the main elements of the aforementioned instruments and the experiences of application in Latin American countries. experiences of application in Latin American countries. Likewise, bibliographic references are provided to deepen their knowledge.

Private sector and natural capital: Business opportunities and climate action / Sector privado y capital natural: Oportunidades para los negocios y la acción climática / Private sector and natural capital: Business opportunities and climate action

July 2022
Edwin Vega-Araya, CLACDS / INCAE, Mauricio Luna Rodríguez, GIZ / EUROCLIMA+, Ana María Majano, LEDS LAC and CLADCS/INCAE, Rocío Aldana, LIBÉLULA
Opportunities for business and climate action: This document has been prepared with the purpose of disseminating learnings from the Community of Practice on Public-Private Articulation for Climate Action in Latin America (ArticuLAC), in collaboration with the Technical Assistance of the thematic sector Forests Biodiversity and Ecosystems (BBE).

Cambio climático y negocios: Gestionando el riesgo y aprovechando oportunidades / Climate change and business: Managing risk and leveraging opportunities.

Policy Summary:
Long Term Strategies (LTS) in Latin America: opportunities for greater public-private articulation in search of resilient and low-emission development

Policy Summary:
Public-private collaboration towards sustainable urban logistics: climate change as a catalyst sustainable urban logistics: climate change as a catalyst

Systematized experiences

Chile: Clean Production Agreements

Colombia: National Carbon Tax

Costa Rica: Carbon Neutral Country Program 2.0

Private Archive

Are you a member of this Community of Practice?
Enter the private archive containing historical material of all virtual meetings and dialogues.


Ana María Majano

Community of Practice Coordinator

📩  [email protected]

Pablo Rojas Wang

Regional Advisor on Climate Governance and Private Sector EUROCLIMA+ Program
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

📩  [email protected]

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