Pessoas transformando o desenvolvimento


Building climate resilience in Latin America: the experience of 13 cities

Day: Wednesday, February 21, 2018.

Time: 09:00 – 10:30 am (time in Costa Rica)

Check the time according to your location:


Introduction. Ana María Majano. Coordinator of the Secretariat, LEDS LAC Platform.

Climate Resilient Cities Initiative in Latin America: addressing climate resilience in small and medium-sized cities in the region. Gabriela Villamarín. Coordinator of the Initiative, Futuro Latinoamericano Foundation (Ecuador). | Download presentation

Cooperation in border cities. Paola Sakai. Project Coordinator, University of Leeds (United Kingdom). | Download presentation

Participatory planning for climate resilience. Manuel Winograd. Project Coordinator, WEnR/Alterra (Wageningen, The Netherlands). | Download presentation

About the webinar

International agendas acknowledge the importance of cities for a secure, equitable, resilient and sustainable future. This is especially relevant in Latin America, the most urbanized region in the world, where cities are highly vulnerable to climate change. Local governments play an essential role in achieving these objectives, since they are key in the design and implementation of local development policies that require a strong urban governance component, particularly participatory processes in decision-making, involving all the actors and ensure the implementation of actions to build climate resilience. But often  these local governments, mainly in medium and small -sized cities in the region, do not have the necessary information for climate action.

This webinar will present the Climate Resilient Cities Initiative and two experiences of implementation in six cities with different realities and contexts, which have managed to provide valuable information on the vulnerability of cities in a participatory manner and validated by key actors, who can report on actions concrete ways to build climate resilience. The webinar will be held in Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat:

About the panelists

Works at the Futuro Latinoamericano Foundation as Coordinator of the Climate Resilient Cities Initiative in Latin America. During her professional career, she has coordinated various projects in Latin America, around issues of sustainable development and, more recently, climate change, and to collaborate in their learning, monitoring, evaluation and knowledge management processes. This professional experience is complemented by his academic career. She has a Diploma in Social Intervention from the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja and another virtual one in Decentralization and Local Development of the Alberto Hurtado University of Chile.Economist specializing in climate resilience, adaptation and mitigation based at the University of Leeds. Her research has focused on the assessment of the impacts of floods in the private sector, as well as on the use of climate services for adaptation. Paola has experience in cities, having participated in projects in Peru and Canada as part of the Climate Smart Cities project; and Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay as part of the Climate Resilient Cities initiative. Paola has recently been awarded with an innovation grant from RCUK.Is currently a consultant for WEnR / Alterra (Wageningen, The Netherlands). He was a senior advisor in the Natural Systems and Vulnerability Program of the European Environment Agency (EEA, Copenhagen, Denmark). He also served as visiting senior scientist at CIRAD (Montpellier, France), principal scientist in the Land Use Programme of at  CIAT (Cali, Colombia) and was a principal scientist in the Ecological Systems Analysis group (Fundacion Bariloche, Argentina), he obtained a PhD in Tropical Ecology from Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse, France) and Masters in Environmental Management ( ENPC, Paris) and Biology of Populations (Paris VII, Paris).

This webinar is co-organized with:
