Pessoas transformando o desenvolvimento

Experiencias en la implementación del Estándar de Minería Responsable IRMA en Latinoamérica


30 de noviembre 2021: 8 a 10 am (México) 9 a 11 am (Colombia-Perú) 10 a 11 am (Bolivia) 11 a 1 pm (Argentina-Chile) 4 a 6 pm (Zimbabue)

Third regional event

GIZ Colombia’s Raw Materials and Climate Project (MaPriC) regional event series on mining and climate change.

The growing global concern due to the climate crisis and environmental degradation, has made the mining industry seek to promote a sustainability framework within their activities, in order to evaluate their business performance and meet regulatory requirements in the places where they operate. Among the initiatives that promote socially, and environmentally responsible mining performance is the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA).

IRMA’s Standard for Responsible Mining specifies a set of objectives and performance requirements for socially and environmentally responsible practice. The standard serves as the basis for a voluntary system that provides independent third-party assessment and certification of environmental and social performance measures at industrial-scale mining operations around the world. 

This third regional event shared the progress, challenges and results of civil society groups, mining companies and buyers in the mining sector in the process of developing and implementing the IRMA Standard.


Aída Figari y Javier Perla -Secretariat, LEDS LAC Platform.
IRMA Standard background
Adán Olivares Castro – Latin America Project Coordinator, IRMA.
Aimee Boulanger – Executive Director, IRMA.
GIZ Projects: MaPriC – MinSus connection and its role in IRMA
Sergio Ruiz – MaPriC Project Coordinator, GIZ Colombia
Nicolás Maennling – Senior Advisor to the Regional Cooperation for the Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources in the Andean Countries, MinSus.
Part 2. Conversation segment: Implementation of IRMA in Latin America
Panel: IRMA implementation in Latin America

Facilitator: Nicolás Maennling, Senior Advisor to the Regional Cooperation for the Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources in the Andean Countries, MinSus
Fadzai Midzi – Program Assistant, Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association (ZELA).
Stephanie Alvarez Zuluaga -Industrial Innovation and Sustainability Leader, ConConcreto Colombia.
Ellen Lenny-Pessagno – Global Vice President of Government and Community Affairs Albemarle.
Claudia Becker – Senior Expert in Sustainable Supply Chain Management, BMW.
César Flores Unzaga – Deputy Director, CooperAcción.
Key remarks
Aimee Boulanger – Executive Director, IRMA.
Closing remarks
Sergio Ruiz – MaPriC Project Coordinator, GIZ Colombia