Gente transformando el desarrollo


Low carbon development and resilience to climate change through footprint management in cities

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Day: Wednesday, March 7, 2018.[/fusion_li_item][fusion_li_item icon=»fa-clock-o»]

Time: 09:00 – 10:30 am (time in Costa Rica)[/fusion_li_item][fusion_li_item icon=»fa-check»]

Check the time according to your location:[/fusion_li_item][/fusion_checklist][fusion_separator style_type=»none» top_margin=»» bottom_margin=»» sep_color=»» border_size=»» icon=»» icon_circle=»» icon_circle_color=»» width=»» alignment=»» class=»» id=»»/][fusion_text]


Introduction. Ana María Majano. Coordinator of the Secretariat, LEDS LAC Platform.

The City Footprints Project in LAC: scope, objectives and main results. Mauricio Velásquez. Chief Executive of Environment and Climate Change, CAF Development Bank of Latin America – Ecuador. | Download presentation

Water Footprint, advances and methodological adjustments for its application at the city level. Leandra Díaz Expert in Water Footprint Management, Servicios Ambientales S.A. | Download presentation

Case study. Footprint Reduction Action Plan, Cuenca – Ecuador. | Download presentation

Catalina Albán. Director, Commission of Environmental Management of the Mayor’s Office of Cuenca.

Valeria Revilla. Technical Manager, Servicios Ambientales S.A.

About the webinar

The City Footprints project arose from the need to support municipal governments and decision makers in the transition that their cities must go through to low carbon development and resilient to the effects of climate change. In five years of implementation, the project supported the design of policies, action plans and mitigation and adaptation projects in 12 cities in Latin America, and contributed to strengthen decision-making processes in urban planning and management including the climate change variable .

The  webinar will present the results of the project, the adjustments made to the water footprint methodology to be applied in cities, and the experience of the Reduction of Footprints Action Plan of the City of Cuenca, Ecuador. The webinar will be held in Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat: [email protected].

About the panelists

[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=»1_1″ background_position=»left top» background_color=»» border_size=»» border_color=»» border_style=»solid» spacing=»yes» background_image=»» background_repeat=»no-repeat» padding=»» margin_top=»0px» margin_bottom=»0px» class=»» id=»» animation_type=»» animation_speed=»0.3″ animation_direction=»left» hide_on_mobile=»no» center_content=»no» min_height=»none»][fusion_content_boxes settings_lvl=»parent» layout=»icon-on-side» columns=»1″ icon_align=»left» title_size=»» title_color=»» body_color=»» backgroundcolor=»» icon_circle=»» icon_circle_radius=»» iconcolor=»» circlecolor=»» circlebordercolor=»» circlebordersize=»» outercirclebordercolor=»» outercirclebordersize=»» icon_size=»» icon_hover_type=»» hover_accent_color=»» link_type=»» link_area=»» link_target=»» animation_delay=»» animation_offset=»» animation_type=»0″ animation_direction=»left» animation_speed=»0.1″ margin_top=»» margin_bottom=»» class=»» id=»»][fusion_content_box title=»Mauricio Velásquez» icon=»» backgroundcolor=»» iconcolor=»» circlecolor=»» circlebordercolor=»» circlebordersize=»» outercirclebordercolor=»» outercirclebordersize=»» iconrotate=»» iconspin=»no» image=»×1024.jpg» image_width=»130″ image_height=»130″ link=»» linktext=»» link_target=»_self» animation_type=»» animation_direction=»» animation_speed=»»]Mauricio has more than 8 years of experience as Executive Director of the Department of Environment and Climate Change of CAF (Development Bank of Latin America). He has been director of the Strategic Program of Environmental and Social Management for financial institutions (PGASIF). In addition, since 2015 he is the co-chairman of the UNEP FI Latin American Working Group, and promoter of the Sustainable Finance Protocol of the Bank of Ecuador. He has participated as a member of the main group that developed the Management Plan for the Galapagos National Park and worked in the Galapagos National Park as Coordinator of Research and Development Projects. He holds a Master’s Degree in Environmental and Forestry Biology from SUNY (State University of New York).[/fusion_content_box][fusion_content_box title=»Leandra Díaz» icon=»» backgroundcolor=»» iconcolor=»» circlecolor=»» circlebordercolor=»» circlebordersize=»» outercirclebordercolor=»» outercirclebordersize=»» iconrotate=»» iconspin=»no» image=»» image_width=»130″ image_height=»130″ link=»» linktext=»» link_target=»_self» animation_type=»» animation_direction=»» animation_speed=»»]Environmental Engineer with a diploma in Environmental Impact Evaluation Studies. She has national and international experience in design and execution, of projects with a focus on conservation, environment, gender and generational, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, management of forests and water resources. Inter-institutional relationship and work with communities. Part of the group of experts in Footprint of Water in Latin America. In the Footprint of Cities Project, she is an expert in the management of the Water Footprint.[/fusion_content_box][fusion_content_box title=»Sandra Catalina Albán Crespo» icon=»» backgroundcolor=»» iconcolor=»» circlecolor=»» circlebordercolor=»» circlebordersize=»» outercirclebordercolor=»» outercirclebordersize=»» iconrotate=»» iconspin=»no» image=»án.jpg» image_width=»130″ image_height=»130″ link=»» linktext=»» link_target=»_self» animation_type=»» animation_direction=»» animation_speed=»»]Director of the Environmental Management Commission of the Autonomous Decentralized Government of Cuenca. Specialist in design of gardens and landscape by the University of Azuay, Master in Environmental Management by the University of Azuay.

[/fusion_content_box][fusion_content_box title=»Valeria Revilla Calderón» icon=»» backgroundcolor=»» iconcolor=»» circlecolor=»» circlebordercolor=»» circlebordersize=»» outercirclebordercolor=»» outercirclebordersize=»» iconrotate=»» iconspin=»no» image=»×1024.jpg» image_width=»130″ image_height=»130″ link=»» linktext=»» link_target=»_self» animation_type=»» animation_direction=»» animation_speed=»»]She is an environmental engineer, has been part of the Environmental Services team S.A. from the beginning of creation and design of the services that offer referral to the measurement of Carbon Footprint and Water Footprint, initially in companies, until reaching its implementation and adaptation at the level of cities and large-scale events. Since 2012, he is responsible for the Technical Management of the Footprint of Cities Project in 12 cities of LAC.[/fusion_content_box][/fusion_content_boxes][fusion_text]

This webinar is co-organized with:

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