Gente transformando el desarrollo


Integrating bioenergy in national energy and climate policy: the experience of Honduras

13 abril 2021
09:00 (Costa Rica Time, CST) / 12:00 (Argentina)

Online presentation in the framework of the Bioenergy Community of Practice (BioE CoP)


  • Welcome and objectives of the session. Ana María Majano, Bio-E CoP Coordinator, LEDS LAC Secretariat – Download presentation
  • The process of integrating bioenergy into the new energy policy and the NDC in Honduras – Download presentation
    • Jorge Cárcamo, Energy Specialist, Energy Secretariat , Honduras
    • Cristian Irias, Renewable Energy Analyst, Energy Secretariat, Honduras
  • Open discussion with participants in the session

About the presentation

Honduras is currently building its first long term energy policy, through a participatory process that has engaged more than 700 specialists and experts on different topics related to the Honduran energy sector.  This process coincides with the update and strengthening of the country´s NDC and the development of the national decarbonization plan.   Bioenergy has a key role in this new energy and climate policy framework, due to its potential to improve living conditions for Honduran households and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Among the actions related to this topic, the Energy Secretariat (SEN) is working on the construction of a National Biogas Program and the promotion of sustainable use of fuelwood. 

In this session, Cristian Irías and Jorge Cárcamo, energy sector specialists fromm Honduras, will present details on the country´s bioenergy potential and how the national energy policy considers fostering sustainable bioenergy production and use. The presentation will be in Spanish with simultaneous translation to English. Participants will be able to ask questions and make comments in any of those languages. If you need additional information, please contact  Katherine Bocanegra


Jorge Cárcamo is an Engineer in Socioeconomic Development and Environment obtained from the University of El Zamorano, Honduras; Master in Integrated Management of Hydrographic Basins obtained at CATIE, Costa Rica and Doctor in Agricultural Sciences with an emphasis in agricultural economics obtained at the University of Göttingen, Germany. He has more than 15 years of professional experience, his main areas of experience being applied research, econometrics, statistics, economic valuation of the environment, payment for ecosystem services, climate change, sustainable agricultural development, geographic information systems and renewable energies, obtained in various countries, such as Honduras, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Chile and Germany, among others. He has developed various publications of national and international interest, such as: strategies for payments for ecosystem services, quantification of carbon stored in natural forests, role of risk and ambiguity in the adoption of improved technologies focused on small agricultural producers, development of econometric models for construction of baselines and identification of impacts obtained. Currently, he works as an Energy Specialist at the Ministry of Energy. Where, together with his colleagues from the National Directorate of Planning and Sector Energy Policy, they have published National Energy Balances from 2017 – 2019. In addition, they are working on the 2020 Energy Balance, update of the National Energy Prospective, Estimation of Effect Gases Greenhouse of the Energy Sector and Construction of a Sectorial Energy Policy.

Cristian Irias is an Industrial Production Engineer from the Technological University of Honduras and a master’s degree in Renewable Energy Management from the Central American Technological University. He has more than 10 years of experience in the agricultural sector and renewable energies. In this period of time he has managed various pilot projects of renewable energy for community development in Honduras, from initiatives of micro hydroelectric power plants for rural communities and solar energy microgrids, he has also been National Coordinator of Programs for the Transfer of Appropriate Technologies for small and medium producers. He is currently a Renewable Energy Analyst for the Secretary of State in the Energy Office (SEN) and facilitates geothermal and biogas issues as a focal point. He is also a delegate from the Government of Honduras to the Geosciences Technical Group (GTG) of the Central American Integration System (SICA).
