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Date: Wednesday July, 9th, 2014[/fusion_li_item][fusion_li_item icon=»fa-clock-o»]
Time: 9-10:30am (GMT-6)[/fusion_li_item][/fusion_checklist][fusion_separator style_type=»none» top_margin=»» bottom_margin=»25px» sep_color=»» border_size=»» icon=»» icon_circle=»» icon_circle_color=»» width=»» alignment=»center» class=»» id=»»/][fusion_text]
About the webinar
This webinar will share the major findings on “Green Growth in Practice: Lessons from Country Experiences”, presenting findings from this global assessment conducted by 75 authors. The event will present lessons on effective approaches for 9 elements of green growth strategies covered in the report and dive into more depth on planning and coordination; visions, targets and baselines; and prioritizing options and pathways. Authors of the report will share findings and engage the participants in a discussion of how the lessons learned can be applied to strengthen on-going green growth planning and implantation.
Welcome Ana María Majano. LEDS LAC Secretariat Coordinator, CLACDS-INCAE.
Overview of GGBP Findings and Planned Outreach and Collaboration
Antonio Mediavilla, WWF, Lead Author in Establishing vision, baseline and targets
Presentation of Specific Results
1. Planning and Coordination
Fernando Farías Ellies. Contributing Author in Planning and Coordination, Ministry of Environment of Chile.
Hernan Carlino. Contributing Author in Planning and Coordination, Independent, Argentina.
3. Establishing vision, targets, and baselines
Luis Muñozcano. Contributing Author in Establishing vision, baseline and targets, SEMARNAT.
4. Prioritization of Green Growth Options and Pathways
Sergio Ugarte. Contributing Author in Prioritization of Green Growth Options, Pathway, SQ Consult.
5. Mobilization Investment
Marcela Jaramillo. Policy advisor, E3G.
6. Open Discussion of Relevance and Value of Findings
Antonio Mediavilla. Lead Author in Establishing vision, baseline and targets, WWF.
Webinar Materials
Green growth in practice: lessons from country experiences
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