Dia: Wednesday March 09th
Tempo: 9 – 11:00 am (CST, time in Costa Rica)
Introdução. Ana Maria Majano Coordenador da Secretaria do LEDS LAC, Centro de Pesquisa Agrícola Tropical e Ensino Superior (CATIE).
Zero Carbon Latin America- A Pathway for Net Decarbonisation of the Regional Economy by Mid-Century. Walter Vergara. Senior Fellow, World Resources Institute (WRI)
Download the publication «Zero Carbon Latin America» aqui
Latin america low carbon path. Luis Miguel Galindo
Comments from panelists
Adrián Fernandez Bremauntz. CEO, Latin American Regional Climate Initiative.
Luis Miguel Galindo Head of Climate Change Unit, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
Sobre o webinar
This webinar presented and discussed the key findings of a recently released report from the UNEP DTU Partnership, which visualized a pathway for complete decarbonisation of the Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) regional economy by mid-century, through the review of specific sector-wide actions, within a foreseeable technology and economics context.
The revision comprises the following actions: a) full decarbonisation of the power sector; b) mass electrification of the transport sector; c) grid integration of the regional economies; d) expansion of the power system to absorb the new demand by transport; e) zero net deforestation; f) restoration of about 200 million Ha of degraded land through a combination of natural and assisted reforestation, agroforestry and silvopastures; g) reduction of emissions from agriculture through nutrient management measures; and h) abatement measures in industry.
O webinar foi realizado em espanhol. Se tiver alguma dúvida sobre esse evento, entre em contato com a Secretaria da Plataforma LEDS LAC: info@ledslac.org.
Sobre os palestrantes
Walter Vergara. Senior Fellow, World Resources Institute
Walter Vergara is forest and climate specialist focused on the Global Restoration Initiative in Latin America and leads the Initiatve20x20. Prior to joining WRI, Walter was the Chief of the Climate Change Division at the IDB and led the Climate Global Expert Group at the World Bank.
Adrián Fernandez Bremauntz. CEO, Latin American Regional Climate Initiative
Dr. Adrian Fernandez Bremauntz leads the Initiative, which he helped designing and setting-up. Previously, Adrian served as president of the Mexican National Institute of Ecology (INEC) and advised clients in private and public sector.
Luis Miguel Galindo. Head of Climate Change Unit, ECLAC
Luis Miguel Galindo, in his current position, led the Economics of Climate Change studies in Latin America. He has also taught at several universities and has published more than 50 academic papers, including on energy demand, transport, and economic and social development.Info Document