Pessoas transformando o desenvolvimento


Monitoring and Evaluating Adaptation to Climate Change

Day: Wednesday January 28th

Time: 9-10:30 am CST (time in Costa Rica)


Introduction. Ana María Majano. Coordinator of the LEDS LAC Secretariat, Tropical Agronomic Center for Research and Teaching (CATIE).

Monitoring and evaluation of resilience. Nathan Engle. Climate adaptation consultant, World Bank. | Download presentation

Panel discussion:

Eduardo Robelo González. Climate change adaptation consultant, Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico (SEMARNAT). | Download presentation

About the webinar

Countries worldwide are increasingly including climate change adaptation commitments and considerations into their climate and development policies, recognizing the need to make the necessary adjustments in response to the changing climate conditions. Latin America and the Caribbean, with high vulnerability indices, is not the exception to this tendency.

However, one of the main challenges of climate change adaptation is ensuring that adaptation actions taken have the desired results, as the conditions are uncertain and the best results are achieved when impacts do not take place rather than when something occurs.

This webinar will explore advances in measurement and evaluation of adaptation, through a presentation from the World Bank on their approaches taken on this matter, followed by interventions from Mexico and Colombia on their experiences with the need to and the solutions for M&E of adaptation. The webinar will be held in English. For more information on the webinar, click here. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the Secretariat of the LEDS LAC Platform:
