Pessoas transformando o desenvolvimento


How Blockchain technology is driving Global Climate Action in Latin America

Date: Wednesday, July 11, 2018.

Time: 09:00 – 10:30 am (time in Costa Rica)

Check the time according to your location:



Pia Zevallos. Creation and Development Manager, Libélula Perú.

Carlos Ruiz. Coordinator, Regional Collaboration Center Panama (UNFCCC-CAF Development Bank of Latin America) and St. George’s (UNFCCC-WINDREF).

Blockchain and carbon pricing. Andrés Schuschny. Director of Studies, Projects and Information, Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE). | Download presentation

Bitlumens promoting financial inclusion and facilitating access to renewable energy through the use of sensors and blockchain technology. Veronica Garcia. Founder, BITLUMENS. | Download presentation

SolarCoin: how to encourage the generation of solar electricity globally. Daniel Fernández and Francois Sonnet. Founders, The SolarCoin Foundation. | Download presentation

About the webinar

The Paris climate agreement codified the pressure on countries to reduce their emissions and companies are increasingly under the same focus of attention from investors, shareholders, employees and customers to reduce their carbon footprint, demonstrating that their business models are aligned with the low carbon provision. In addition, many consumers in Latin America want to buy greener products and invest in sustainable projects. But until now, despite enormous advances in technology, monitoring and reducing our impact on the planet has been difficult.

Blockchain is the name of a digital book in which transactions (often made with “tokens” or a cryptocurrency) are recorded chronologically and publicly. This technology can help finance, develop, monitor, report and verify climate actions. For example, blockchain technology can be applied to carbon credits to create a “carbon currency”, because they are based on data, depend on multiple approval steps and exist separately to the physical impacts with which they correlate.

This webinar will present an overview of Blockchain including cryptocurrencies and Smart Contracts, as tools to finance, develop, monitor, report and verify climate change projects. The webinar will be held in Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat:

About the panelists

He is the Director of Studies, Projects and Information of OLADE. He has a master’s Degree in Physics and a Doctorate in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires and several post-graduate courses (in Argentina, Chile, Italy, India and Brazil). He was an international consultant in ECLAC, working in the Division of Sustainable Development and Human Settlements, the Division of Statistics and Economic Projections and the Division of Natural Resources and Infrastructure. He was coordinator of the BIEE Regional Program. Since 2012, he has been exploring the possibilities of the Blockchain in the fields of finance and energy.CEO/Founder: Veronica Garcia was an investment consultant at Credit Suisse and UBS for Latin American Asset Managers. After finishing her graduate studies at the ETH in Zurich she joined IBM Research Lab. She also worked as a consultant for the World Bank, IADB and Castalia. Her research focused on renewable technologies and on quantifying investment needs to reach the country targets for renewable power generation. In 2017 she founded BitLumens which brings solar power and water to rural areas in developing countries using Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain technology.

Additional Resouces

This webinar is co-organized with:
