Pessoas transformando o desenvolvimento


Emissions Trading: From Theory to Practice

Day: Wednesday, February 15th

Time: 9-10: 30 am CST (time in Costa Rica)


Introduction. Ana María Majano. Coordinator of the LEDS LAC Secretariat, Tropical Agriculture Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE).

Why an emissions trading? Marcos Castro. Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) Secretariat, World Bank. |  Download presentation

A roadmap for the design of an Emissions Trading System (ETS). Soffia Alarcón. Director, Carbon Trust Mexico. |  Download presentation

Emission Trading Systems around the world: key messages from the 2017 ICAP Status Report. Mariza Montes de Oca. Secretariat of the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP).  |  Download presentation

About the webinar

As the world moves forward with the Paris Agreement, attention shifts to crucial questions on how to achieve the mitigation goals identified in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) reported by the countries. To date, experience has shown that an emissions trading system (ETS) can be an effective, reliable and transparent instrument to help achieve emissions reductions at low cost and in ways that mobilize private sector stakeholders, attract Investment, promote competitiveness and foster international cooperation. To maximize its effectiveness, an ETS must be designed taking into account the context and circumstances of each country or jurisdiction.

This webinar is the launch of the Spanish version of the guide «Emissions Trading in Practice: A Handbook on the Design and Implementation of Emissions Trading Systems». This manual, developed in collaboration between the secretariats of the PMR and ICAP, and published in Spanish with the advice of Carbon Trust Mexico, is available online following this link:

The webinar will be in Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the Secretariat of the LEDS LAC Platform:

About the panelists

Marcos Castro, Senior Climate Change Specialist, World Bank

Based at the Carbon Markets and Innovation Unit of the World Bank, Marcos currently serves at the Partnership for Market Readiness Secretariat and manages technical assistance and capacity development projects for climate change mitigation in the Latin American region. Before joining the World Bank in 2006, he served as an advisor on climate change policy at the Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador, including as director of its National CDM Promotion Office and negotiator of the UN Kyoto Flexibility Mechanisms.

Soffia Alarcón, Director, Carbon Trust Mexico

From 2013 to 2016, she was Director of Mitigation Policies for Climate Change at SEMARNAT in Mexico where she was responsible for the design and implementation of the National Emissions Registry. Soffia has over 9 years of relevant experience working on issues related to climate change mitigation and cost-effective reductions of greenhouse gases in various sectors.

Mariza Montes de Oca, Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at  ICAP

Based at ICAP Mariza directs a research project on the design elements of an Emissions Trading System (SCE) for  Mexico. Previously at the Mario Molina Center, Mariza advised the Mexican government on the design of the carbon tax and on the rules of the market for clean energy certificates. Mariza has held public positions at the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC) and the Ministry of Finance (SHCP) in Mexico.

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