Pessoas transformando o desenvolvimento


Distributed generation and energy sustantibility in Latin America and the Caribbean

Dia: Tuesday October 11th

Tempo: 10: 00- 11:30 a.m. (EST, time in Peru)

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Introdução. Ana Maria Majano. Coordinator of the LEDS LAC Secretariat, Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE).

Results of the “America del Sol” project. Pablo Garcés. Specialist, Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE). View presentation.

The experience of Guatemala. Rafael Argueta. Director of strategic projects, National Electric Energy Commission (CNEE) Guatemala. View presentation.

Sobre o webinar

Distributed generation (DG) represents a paradigm shift in the energy supply power, from a centralized generation system to one that incorporates many small sources of generation (usually renewable) installed near the consumer, incorporating modern technology and support of the electricity grid.

Among the advantages of the development of distributed generation are reducing investment costs, decreasing environmental externalities, such as greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), increasing energy security, reducing system losses, among others.

This webinar will discuss two experiences of promoting distributed generation in the region: the regional project “America del Sol”, which aims to facilitate the adoption of photovoltaic systems for distributed generation, and the case of Guatemala, focused on the development of the regulatory framework necessary to promote this type of generation. The webinar will be held in Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the Secretariat of the Platform LEDS LAC
