Pessoas transformando o desenvolvimento


Comprehensive analysis of the market for solar water heaters in six Latin American and Caribbean countries

Day: Wednesday August 8th, 2018.

Time: 09:00 – 10:30 am (time in Costa Rica)

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Introduction. Ana María Majano. Coordinator of the Secretariat, LEDS LAC Platform.

Context of the Project: Climate Technology Transfer Mechanisms and Networks in Latin America and the Caribbean. Renato Oña Pólit. Renewable Energy Coordinator. Bariloche Foundation. | Download presentation

Case studies of quality standards, verification procedures and consumer information tools for solar water heaters in Latin American and Caribbean countries.» Luis Christian Navntoft. President, Solarmate S.A. | Download presentation

Context analysis and review of the conclusions of the study». Federico Yonar. Professional of Normalization, Argentinean Institute of Normalization and Certification (IRAM).

About the webinar

The energy requirements of Latin American countries increase year by year. In order to meet sustainable development goals and climate goals, countries must produce energy in a sustainable manner. In this area, the so-called «non-conventional renewable energies», among which are solar energy, have great potential in several countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Solar heating technology has reached a maturity, not only technological but also price, which today allows developing national and regional strategies to promote water heating with solar energy. In this webinar we will show a study on the analysis of information related to the market of solar water heaters in Barbados, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Uruguay, namely. In addition, some conclusions obtained from the information analyzed will be mentioned and it is expected that this will be useful for any locality that decides to carry out a policy of promotion of solar thermal energy.

The webinar will be held in Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat:

About the panelists

Engineer in electronics, automation and control, master in renewable energies, master in sustainable environmental management and specialist in project management, with experience in the design and implementation of cooperation projects in the development of applications based on technologies for renewable energy use in rural areas, as well as aspects of policies, regulations and management models related to this issue in Ecuador, the Andean Region and Latin America and the Caribbean. He is currently part of the Fundación Bariloche team as Project Renewable Energy Coordinator: «Technology Transfer Mechanisms and Networks Related to Climate Change».Expert in Thermal Solar Energy and Chemistry. PhD in the Plataforma Solar de Almería and the National Atomic Energy Commission. He was Director of the solar studies laboratory of the UTN-FRBA and Associate Professor of 3IA UNSAM. He was responsible for the SURSOLAR engineering area. He is currently president of SOLARMATE S.A and director of the FUNINTEC technology center. He is a consultant to the Ministry of Energy and Mining of the Nation (MINEM), IRENA, PTB and Fundación Bariloche.Mechanical Engineer from the University of Buenos Aires. Study and analysis of Technical Norms on Solar Thermal / Photovoltaic Energy and Energy Efficiency Labeling. Participation in the 180 Committee: Solar Energy of the ISO, issuing consensual votes at the National Level. Regional Standards Leader of the Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT) on Solar Collectors, Photovoltaic Panels, Wind Turbines, gas appliances, among others. Participation in International Forums as a speaker of the labeling programs in Argentina. Collaboration in the development of Government Regulations giving opinions on the Technical Standards associated with Renewable Energies.

Additional Resources

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