Pessoas transformando o desenvolvimento


Adaptation to climate change in water resources management in Latin America

Day: Thursday, December 1st

Time: 10:00- 11:30 am (EST, time in Peru)


Introduction. Ana María Majano. Coordinator of the LEDS LAC Secretariat, Tropical Agronomic Center for Research and Teaching (CATIE).

Water management and adaptation in model forests: Lessons learned from the EcoAdapt project. Mariela Morales. Researcher at the Latin American Chair of Environmental Decisions for Global Change, CATIE. | Download Presentation

Irrigation and adaptability to climate change: the experience of Chile. Mónica Rodríguez Bueno. Coordinator of policies, National Commission of Irrigation, Ministry of Agriculture of Chile (CNR). | Download Presentation

About the Webinar

Climate Change represents a new and complex challenge for integrated water resources management in Latin America and the Caribbean. According to the publication «Challenges and Opportunities of Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Sector» (Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Policy Dialogue, 2010), the extent to which any water resources management and development system will be affected by climate change will depend on its degree of vulnerability and its Internal capacity to adapt.

In this webinar we will learn about two initiatives related to water resources management and adaptation: the EcoAdapt project, aimed at influencing water management processes in model forests in Argentina, Bolivia and Chile, with the purpose of contributing to local development and reducing the vulnerability of human populations to climate change; and Chile´s ongoing efforts to develop adaptation strategies and actions for irrigation systems.

The webinar will be held in Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the Secretariat of the LEDS LAC Platform:
