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Low Emission Freight Transportation I: Status, trends and experiences in low emission freight transportation in Latin America

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About the Webinar

Transportation is the sector with the largest and fastest growing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and is responsible for 14% of these emissions globally. According to International Energy Agency projections, the increase in freight demand will come mainly from the developing world, which will triple its activity by 2050.

In Latin America, the increase in population and economic activity is generating an increase in the demand for logistics, and the strong modal split in favor of automobile transport is generating an increase in negative externalities and GHG emissions. These trends present unsustainable and complex scenarios for meeting national contributions to climate change mitigation and present significant challenges for low-carbon development.

The webinar analyzed the general situation of freight transportation in Latin America and the emissions associated with this activity. In addition, the analysis of the modal split as well as the analysis of the situation and trends for each of the modes were discussed in depth. Finally, policy needs to address urban and interurban problems were analyzed, a case study on the design of a NAMA for road freight transport in Colombia was presented, and policy and institutional recommendations for GHG mitigation were made.


Introduction. Rodrigo Rodríguez Tornquist. Executive Director of Asociación SUSTENTAR and co-coordinator of the transport working group of the LEDS LAC Platform.

Situation, trends and experiences in low-emission freight transportation in Latin America. José Barbero. Dean of the Institute of Transportation, Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Argentina).

Download the presentation here

Case: Colombia's Low Emission Freight Transportation Plan NAMA. Oscar Giovanni Melo. Specialized Professional of the Logistics and Cargo Transportation Group, Ministry of Transportation of Colombia.

Download the presentation here

About the exhibitors

José Barbero. Dean of the Institute of Transportation, Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Argentina).
Specialist in transportation planning and policies, with more than thirty years of professional experience in Latin America. Geographer (UBA), with post-graduate studies in economics and transportation planning at the University of Toronto and MIT. He has worked as a public official, as a consultant and in transportation companies. He is currently an independent consultant and Dean of the Institute of Transportation of the National University of San Martin (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

Si tiene preguntas sobre este webinar, por favor contacte a la Plataforma LEDS LAC: [email protected][/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]
