People transforming the development


Climate and disaster risk screening: tools to promote resilient development

23 June 2015
9:00-11:00 (CST)


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Introduction. Ana María Majano. Coordinator of the LEDS LAC Secretariat, INCAE Business School.

Introduction to the World Bank's Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tools. Ana Elisa Bucher. Climate Change Specialist, World Bank.
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Nicaragua: Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment in National Investment Projects.Ricardo Sanchez. Pre-investment Specialist at the General Directorate of Public Investments, Ministry of Finance and Public Credit of Nicaragua.
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About the webinar

Advance consideration of the potential impacts of climate change and disaster events in development plans and projects can increase the success of initiatives and promote resilient growth that brings multiple co-benefits. The "Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tools", developed by the World Bank, is a set of tools that can be used at the national level (sectoral strategies and policies) and at the project level to facilitate understanding and consideration of potential risks and priorities for action for public programs and investments.

This webinar will present in detail the 'Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tools' and all its functions. Also, the webinar will present the first experiences in the use of this tool by the Nicaraguan Ministry of Finance, as well as the perspective in various sectors on the need to identify risks in climate-sensitive projects to increase resilience.

The webinar will be conducted in Spanish. If you have any questions, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat: [email protected].

About the exhibitors

Ana Elisa Bucher.
Dr. Ana Bucher is a climate change adaptation specialist within the World Bank's Climate Change Policy Team. Currently, Dr. Bucher is working on several initiatives related to mainstreaming climate change adaptation measures, detecting climate risks and developing climate services for resilient growth. Dr. Bucher holds a PhD in Soil Science from Pennsylvania State University and a BS in Biological Chemistry from the University of Cordoba, Argentina.

Ricardo Sanchez.
Ricardo Sanchez is a Pre-Investment Specialist at the General Directorate of Public Investments of the Nicaraguan Ministry of Finance. Ricardo has postgraduate studies in Project Formulation and Evaluation from the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería and a degree in Applied Economics from the Universidad Centroamericana.


Climate Screening Tool

