People transforming the development


Proposal of fiscal policy guidelines for distributed generation from solar photovoltaic energy in Guatemala.

12 August 2020
Time: 09:00 - 10:30 am CST (Time in Costa Rica)


Introduction. Eduardo José Sánchez Sierra. Secretariat Coordinator, LEDS LAC Platform.

Project: "Mechanisms and Networks of Technology Transfer related to Climate Change for Latin America and the Caribbean. Renato Oña Pólit. Renewable Energy Coordinator, Fundación Bariloche. | DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION

Study: "Analysis and technical basis for the formulation of a proposal of fiscal policy guidelines to promote the use and exploitation of distributed electricity generation from solar photovoltaic energy" in Guatemala.

Craig James Menzies. Energy Department Leader, FACTOR.

Jorge Asturias. Project Leader, FACTOR. DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION

Aspects and clarifications on the contribution of the study to EFA's vision. Herman Elías Juan Sebastián Blas García. Director of Fiscal Policy and Analysis, Ministry of Public Finance of Guatemala. | DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION

About the webinar

Fiscal policy seeks sustainable economic growth by financing the provision of public goods to increase the welfare of the population. In Guatemala this is developed by the Ministry of Public Finance (MINFIN), which has enacted and implements the "Environmental Fiscal Strategy" (EFA). This strategy promotes the design of state policies aimed at changing the habits of the Guatemalan population, seeking access to sources of financing that prioritize climate change adaptation and mitigation.

This webinar will present the results of the study: "Analysis and technical rationale for the formulation of a proposal of fiscal policy instruments to increase access to electricity through distributed generation with solar photovoltaic in rural-urban and interconnected regions, to contribute to economic growth and development by attracting investment, business development and entrepreneurship", which will be useful to add contributions to the EFA. This study is part of the project: "Mechanisms and Transfer Networks related to Climate Change for Latin America and the Caribbean" developed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), executed by the Bariloche Foundation and implemented by FACTOR.

The webinar will be held in Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat: [email protected].

About the panelists

Renato Oña Pólit

Electronics, automation and control engineer graduated from ESPE of Ecuador, with an executive master's degree in renewable energies from EOI of Madrid with a scholarship granted by IDAE of Spain, a master's degree in sustainable environmental management from Universidad Camilo José Cela and a diploma in project management from TEC of Monterrey; with more than 12 years of experience in energy access projects and management models for rural electrification, proposals for public policy instruments and regulatory and commercial frameworks for renewable energies in Latin America.

Craig James Menzies

Director of Factor's energy department. He has 12 years of professional experience working in the energy sectors in Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East for clients such as multilateral development banks, national governments and private sector companies and investment consortia. He holds a BSc in Geosciences from the University of Edinburgh (UK), and an MSc in Sustainable Development from the University of Strathclyde (UK).

Jorge Asturias

He has more than 17 years of professional experience in the area of policy, research, development and project management related to energy and sustainable development. He was Director of Studies and Projects of the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE) in Quito, Ecuador and the first OLADE Coordinator for Central America. He worked as Advisor to the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Guatemala. He holds a Master's Degree in International Business and Policy from the Universidad Francisco Marroquín in Guatemala and a Postgraduate Degree in Energy Policy and Sustainable Development from INCAE Business School in Costa Rica.

Herman Elías Juan Sebastián Blas García

Director of Fiscal Policy and Analysis of MINFIN of Guatemala. He is an economist graduated from the Mariano Galvez University with extensive experience in the Guatemalan public finance sector and in the Central American region.

Additional material
