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Ana María Majano. Coordinator of the LEDS LAC Secretariat, INCAE Business School.
Closed-loop design as a strategy to facilitate the transition to a circular, low-emission economy
Walter Araya. Program Coordinator, PCC in the Americas, Department of Sustainable Development, Organization of American States (OAS/DDS).
Cradle-to-Cradle® (C2C) applied to urban mobility - implementation case study
Kevin from Cuba. Program Manager, PCC in the Americas, Department of Sustainable Development, Organization of American States (OAS/DDS).
About the webinar
The Closed Loop Production (CCP) Program of the Americas, led by the Organization of American States (OAS), promotes an innovative low-emission development strategy that aims to drive production methods towards sustainable manufacturing through systems capable of delivering high quality and environmentally friendly products to customers.
The PCC seeks to rationalize the use of materials and resources and involves a fundamental approach to product and service design inspired by Cradle-to-Cradle® design principles, building on the decades of experience, capabilities and tools developed within the framework of sustainable production and consumption, including life cycle analysis, sustainable materials management, cleaner production, eco-efficient resource management, among other methods that help companies become more productive, competitive and sustainable.
The objective of this webinar was to discuss the application of the Cradle-to-Cradle® design philosophy for the improvement of urban mobility, based on the principles of closed loop, zero waste projects and sustainable design (Hannover principles), as strategies to facilitate the transition to a low-emission and climate change resilient circular economy. The conceptual framework of PCC and a practical example of applying C2C to urban mobility were presented.
The webinar was conducted in Spanish.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container].