Welcome. Aída Figari. Technical expert of the LEDS LAC Secretariat, Libélula Perú. Download presentation.
COP 25 in Chile: increasing ambition. Cristián Retamal. Negotiation and content advisor, Chilean Presidency COP 25. Download presentation.
Incorporating the concepts of ambition in NDCs: perspectives from Chile. Jenny Mager. Responsible for Mitigation and Climate Pollutant Inventories, Ministry of Environment of Chile. Download presentation.
About the webinar
Following last September's Climate Summit in New York and the pre-COP in Costa Rica, experts from the Chilean COP 25 Presidency will be sharing impressions and different perspectives for increasing ambition in the UNFCCC regime ahead of the COP in Chile next December.
The first part of the webinar will address the reference elements that determine climate ambition and the expectations of the incoming COP 25 Presidency to push for greater ambition towards 2020 when countries are called to renew or update their NDCs.
The second part of the webinar will present the work developed by the Government of Chile to update its NDC with greater ambition. The webinar will be conducted in Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat: [email protected].
About the panelists

Cristián Retamal