Introduction. Eduardo José Sánchez Sierra. Secretariat Coordinator, LEDS LAC Platform.
Introduction to the process of reviewing and updating the Nationally Determined Contributions. Vintura Silva. Regional Coordinator, UNFCCC-St. George's Regional Collaborating Center. |Download presentation|
Overview of the process and key provisions for Nationally Determined Contributions. Bernd Hackmann. Program Officer, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). |Download presentation|
Overview of key provisions and modalities of the Enhanced Transparency Framework. Tugba Icmeli. Program Officer, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. |Download presentation|
About the webinar
In 2020, governments will communicate the new/updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) that will become the basis for global climate action under the Paris Agreement. This is closely linked to other aspects of the Paris Agreement: the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) and the Global Stocktake (GST).
The ETF is intended to provide a clear understanding of climate action, including clarity and tracking of progress towards Parties' achievement of NDCs and adaptation measures, to inform the GST. The ETF applies to all Parties with flexibility for developing country Parties that need it in light of their capabilities. The ETF includes reporting through Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs), technical expert review of BTRs and facilitative multilateral consideration of progress. The first BTRs will be submitted by 2024 and the first GST will be held in 2023.
At COP 24 in Katowice, Parties agreed on new guidance on NDCs, including more detailed guidance on information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding (ICTU). This guidance, voluntary for 2020 NDCs but mandatory for all Parties from 2025 onwards, provides clarification on the information that Parties are required to provide in their NDCs.
This webinar will provide an overview of the process and key provisions related to NDCs and the ETF. The webinar will be in English. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat:
About the panelists
Vintura Silva
He is the head of the UNFCCC Regional Office for the Caribbean based in Grenada. The Center is responsible for providing technical support to countries in updating and implementing NDCs, and facilitating access to climate finance. It is also a member of the Caribbean Corporative MRV hub team, supporting the improvement of GHG inventories and reporting in Caribbean countries.
Bernd Hackmann
Program Officer in the Transparency Division of the UNFCCC Secretariat. He is responsible for working with developing country governments in their preparation for the ETF and the preparation/communication of their NDCs.
Tugba Icmeli
Program Officer in the Transparency Division of the UNFCCC Secretariat, where he provides support and technical assistance to developing countries on issues related to MRV, NDCs and the ETF.
Additional Material
Handbook on Measurement, Reporting, and Verification for Developing Country Parties
Handbook on Institutional Arrangements to Support MRV/Transparency of Climate Action and Support
Decision 4/CMA.1 - Further guidance in relation to the mitigation section of decision 1/CP.21
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