People transforming the development


Opportunities for mitigation and adaptation to climate change in public water distribution

Day: Wednesday, November 23

Time: 10 - 11:30 am (time in Lima, Peru)

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Introduction. Ana María Majano. Coordinator of the LEDS LAC Secretariat, Tropical Agriculture Center for Research and Higher Education (CATIE).

Presentation of the study Challenges of Public Water Companies in Latin America for the financing of efficient and resilient infrastructures.

  • General results of the study: opportunities for mitigation and adaptation. Gianluca Merlo. Climate Change Regional Technical Specialist, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
  • Case studies of Cuba's Water Resources Resilience Program and the Loss Reduction and Control Program at SANASA, Campinas, Brazil.... Cayetano Casado. Climate Change Regional Technical Specialist, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

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About the Webinar

Water is the main medium through which the impacts of climate change will be felt by human beings, society and ecosystems. Not surprisingly, in the context of the Paris Agreement, all countries in Latin America and the Caribbean that have an adaptation sections in their Nationally Determined Contributions consider water as a priority in their adaptation plans. But not only is water transcendental for adaptation, it also plays an important role in mitigation because of its close relationship with energy processes, especially those related to pumping and distribution.

This webinar will present the study: "Challenges of public water companies in Latin America to finance efficient and resilient infrastructures," which aims to understand and develop improvements in efficiency, in terms of energy, rationalizing and reducing urban water consumption and being efficient in the management of their production. The study also aims at supporting decision makers and managers of these services in the region to climate proof public infrastructure. The presentation will discuss case studies from Cuba and Brazil.

The webinar will be conducted in Spanish. For more information on the webinar, click here. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the Secretariat of the LEDS LAC Platform:

About the panelists

Cayetano Casado

Cayetano Casado (Spain) is a Climate Change Regional Technical Specialist at the Sustainable and Resilient Development of the Regional Hub for Latin America and the Caribbean, United Nations Development Programme. Previously he acted as an Environment and Energy Specialist at the UNDP office in Cuba for five years, in projects related to climate change adaptation and mitigation, biodiversity and ecosystems, pollution and sustainable climate agriculture, among other areas.

Cayetano holds a Master's Degree in Environmental Management (Yale University, 2010) and a Degree on Agricultural Engineer (Universidad de Córdoba, 2003).

Gianluca Merlo

Gianluca Merlo (Venezuela) is a Climate Change Regional Technical Specialist at the Sustainable and Resilient Development of the Regional Hub for Latin America and the Caribbean, United Nations Development Programme

He's got 20 years of experience in the fields of energy, oil and water treatment. He was an executive at the carbon Latin-American Programme in CAF, private sector consultant for emissions mitigation projects greenhouse gas inventories and assistance related to climate change risks and adaptation.

Gianluca is a Mechanical Engineer (Simón Bolivar University), Magister Cum Laude in Environmental Engineering (Universidad Catolica Andres Bello) and hydrogeologist (Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña).
