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Download the document "Mobility in the CDMX: change of paradigm". here
Additional material
Mexico City Urban Bicyclist's Manual
Introduction. Alejandra Granados Solís. Knowledge Management, LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat.
Non-motorized mobility in Latin American and Caribbean cities: opportunities and challenges. Celine Jacquin. Research and Capacity Building Coordinator, CTS EMBARQ Mexico.
The Ecobici Program in Mexico City. Rocío Romero and Ireri Brumón. Secretariat of the Environment of Mexico City (SEDEMA).
About the webinar
Transportation planning in Latin America and the Caribbean has traditionally focused on improving mobility by motorized means, whether public or private, without giving a similar level of consideration to the development of adequate space for pedestrians and cyclists. However, in the quest for low-emission development, incorporating strategies to increase cycling and walkability is proving to be a practical and affordable way to reduce CO2 emissions while improving the quality of life of city dwellers.
This webinar discussed the concept of "non-motorized mobility" as well as the challenges and opportunities for its promotion in Latin America and the Caribbean. The experience of Mexico City in the implementation of public bicycle systems was presented.
The webinar was conducted in Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat: [email protected]
About the Panelists
Celine Jacquin. Research and Capacity Building Coordinator
Urban geographer from the University of Paris-Est, France.
He is responsible at CTS for the development of observatories and urban territorial analysis. He has participated in the Ecozones Program of the Megalopolis Environmental Commission; rapidfire model with the Mario Molina Center and Calthorpe; mobility observatories Mobility Watch, and public transport observatory with PROTRAM. Actively promotes citizen participation in the creation of city data and open data (openstreetmap, repuBikla).
Ireri Brumón Martínez. Coordinator of the Individual Transportation System ECOBICI, Environmental Secretariat of Mexico City.
Biologist from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She has been part of ECOBICI for 4 and a half years, giving continuity to the implementation and growth of the system in its phases II, III and IV, as well as the management of local and federal funding and monitoring service levels and statistics of the system. Now as coordinator, she is the program's liaison with institutions within the government, universities and private initiative.
César Manzano. Leader of Infrastructure and Cycling Equipment Projects, Secretary of the Environment of Mexico City.
With a degree in Urbanism from the UNAM, he has been part of the Directorate since 2009 as part of the team that initiated the bicycle mobility strategy in Mexico City. He has participated in the planning, management, design and implementation of cycling infrastructure and equipment, seeking to create an efficient network that properly integrates all road stakeholders.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container].