People transforming development


Private Sector Involvement in Low Emission Development Strategies


The private sector can and should play a more active role - as an interlocutor of the public sector - from the earliest stages of the formulation of policies, strategies and programs for low-emission development, to their implementation and continuous improvement. There are interesting experiences in several Latin American countries of private sector initiatives to promote climate change actions by companies, in line with public policies on the subject, on which it is possible to build to design mechanisms and spaces for dialogue and collaboration between the public and private sectors to optimize the results obtained in the interest of both parties.

In this case, we learned about three of these initiatives: Plataforma de Empresas por el Clima of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (Brazil), the Ecoeficiencia Empresarial program of Asociación Empresarial para el Desarrollo (Costa Rica), and the GEI Program of CESPEDES (Mexico). We then had a dialogue with the speakers and participants on the challenges and opportunities for incorporating the private sector in all stages of formulation, implementation and evaluation of LEDS.


  • Natalia Lutti Hummel, Researcher, Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil
  • Manfred Kopper, Director of Environment and Economy, Asociación Empresarial para el Desarrollo (AED), Costa Rica
  • Dr. Felipe Adrian Vazquez Galvez, Senior Analyst, CESPEDES, Mexico.

Panelists' presentations

Efforts from the Business for Climate Platform - Natalia Lutti Hummel, Researcher, Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil

The Business Eco-efficiency Program and other dialogue and promotion efforts - Manfred Kopper, Director Environment and Economy, Business Association for Development (AED), Costa Rica

GEI Mexico Program - Dr. Felipe Adrian Vazquez Galvez, Senior Analyst, CESPEDES, Mexico.

