Date: Tuesday, August 4th
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 am CST
Introduction. Introduction. Aida Figari Bello. LEDS LAC Secretariat, Libélula.
"Climate-Smart Agriculture: A Vision for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation." Laura Meza. Senior Advisor, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
Case study: "Climate-smart agriculture in Colombia: from theory to practice". Jeimar Tapasco. Researcher, CIAT.
About the webinar
This webinar will provide an introduction to the concept of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) and examples applied in Latin America and the Caribbean. This concept was developed by FAO in 2010 to highlight the role of agriculture in meeting the challenges of food security, development and combating climate change. ICA aims to improve the capacity of agricultural systems to support food security, and to incorporate the need for adaptation and mitigation possibilities into sustainable agricultural development strategies. Thus, it helps countries to weigh and determine the options with the greatest benefit, recognizing that implementation depends on the context and capacity of each country. Some examples of FAO support in the development of public policies in LAC will be briefly presented.
After the general presentation, the case of Colombia will be presented on the "Sustainable Agriculture in a Changing Climate" strategy, an ambitious project for adaptation and mitigation in the agricultural sector, which involves an alliance with the country's production associations to address climate variability and climate change, and which is being developed in partnership by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of that country and CIAT.
The webinar will be conducted in Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat: [email protected].
About the exhibitors
Laura Meza. Senior Advisor, FAO.
Agricultural Engineer, with a Master's degree in Environmental Sciences (MSc) and a Master's degree (MA) in International Relations. He has more than 15 years of experience as a researcher and expert in the management of natural resources and environment. Since 2008 he has been advising the FAO Office for Latin America and the Caribbean on issues related to the adaptation of production systems and support for the design of agricultural policies on climate change. He has supported various processes to address climate change in Colombia, Bolivia, Uruguay, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, among others.
Jeimar Tapasco. Researcher, CIAT.
Agricultural Engineer with a Master's degree in Agricultural Production Systems Analysis and a PhD in Economics. He has worked in watershed management, ecosystem services, climate change and agricultural production systems.