Alexander Ochs. LEDS EWG & SD Strategies (co-moderator). Seminar introduction and main findings of the report Roadmap for sustainable energy and transport integration in small islands.
Ángela Enríquez. LEDS TWG & SLOCAT. Avoid-Change-Improve (ASI) and Sustainable Mobility Plans for Islands (SMPIs).
Tobias Rieper. Reiner Lemoine Institut (RLI)
Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) for defining the right low-carbon energy and transportation development pathway
Natalie Rona. Dragonfly. Local implementation of the NDC: solar energy and electromobility in Arequipa.
Carolina Chantrill. LEDS TWG and Asociación Sustentar. Planning the transition to electromobility: Lessons learned from the BRT System in Mexico City.
About the webinar
Burning fossil fuels for energy supply and transportation services pollutes the local environment, endangers the health of citizens and contributes to climate change. It also impedes innovative technical developments. Today there are alternatives to socially, economically and environmentally unsustainable energy and mobility systems: Recent years have seen huge improvements in energy efficiency, unprecedented growth in renewable energy and impressive innovations in the transport sector, including the market penetration of electric vehicles. Communities around the world have demonstrated how energy and transportation systems can be integrated based on renewable energy and a high degree of efficiency to make both sectors reliable, affordable and sustainable.
This public webinar will highlight the economic, social and environmental benefits that can be generated by the coupling of the energy and transportation sectors and the transition to efficient systems based on electric vehicles and renewable energy. Panelists will present a recently published roadmap that lays out the broad menu of sustainable mobility solutions. They will discuss a concrete and practical process that allows local stakeholders and community leaders to jointly identify the best possible development pathway to advance both sectors through their integration. Speakers will also discuss how they plan to further advance their work and what the implementation of the new strategy will look like in specific island, city and country contexts.
Examples from Peru and Mexico will show concrete achievements and lessons learned in this thematic area that will be essential to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Latin America and worldwide.
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