People transforming the development


Institutional framework to address climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean

Day: Miércoles 8 de Noviembre, 2017.[/fusion_li_item][fusion_li_item icon=»fa-clock-o»]

Time: 09:00 am – 10:30 am (Hora en Costa Rica)[/fusion_li_item][fusion_li_item icon=»fa-check»]

Check the webinar time according to your location:[/fusion_li_item][/fusion_checklist][fusion_text]


Introduction. Ana María Majano. Secretariat Coordinator, LEDS LAC Platform.

Legal and institutional framework for addressing climate change in Mexico. Marco Antonio Heredia Fragoso. General Coordinator for the Evaluation of Mitigation and Adaptation Policies, National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change of Mexico (INECC). | Download presentation

Peru's Climate Change Bill. Alberto Limo. Thematic Coordinator in Soil and Water Management of the General Directorate of Climate Change and Desertification, Ministry of Environment of Peru. Download presentation

About the webinar

Addressing climate change, like combating poverty, competitiveness and other key elements of countries' development strategies, present increasingly complex and multi-sectoral challenges for institutional coordination. These issues share similar characteristics, including: they do not fit into a single ministerial portfolio, they span across borders and jurisdictions, and they depend on the capacity of governmental and non-governmental actors (OECD, n.d.).

Faced with these challenges, the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean are building new legal and institutional frameworks to achieve the levels of coordination and coherence between different public policy bodies and other stakeholders required to ensure that climate objectives are integrated into national, sectoral and local strategies, guiding them towards a climate-compatible development path.

In this webinar we will share Mexico's experience in the implementation of its legal and institutional framework for climate change, as well as the draft Framework Law on Climate Change currently being discussed in Peru. The webinar will be held at Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat: [email protected].

About the panelists

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Titular de la Coordinación General de Cambio Climático para la Evaluación de Políticas de Mitigación y Adaptación en el Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático. Se ha desempeñado como servidor público, en la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno del Distrito Federal; en la Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente y la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales. Es Licenciado, maestro y doctorante en Derecho por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; diplomado en evaluación de políticas públicas por el Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas.[/fusion_content_box][fusion_content_box title=»Alberto Limo» icon=»» backgroundcolor=»» iconcolor=»» circlecolor=»» circlebordercolor=»» circlebordersize=»» outercirclebordercolor=»» outercirclebordersize=»» iconrotate=»» iconspin=»no» image=»ño-pasaporte-Alberto-Limo.jpg» image_width=»130″ image_height=»130″ link=»» linktext=»» link_target=»_self» animation_type=»» animation_direction=»» animation_speed=»»]Coordinador Temático en Gestión de Suelos y Agua de la Dirección General de Cambio Climático y Desertificación del Ministerio del Ambiente y Secretario Técnico de la Comisión Nacional de Lucha contra la Desertificación y Sequía. Con apoyo de esta comisión se logró elaborar y aprobar la Estrategia Nacional de Lucha contra la Desertificación y Sequía 2016-2030. Ha trabajado en el sector público y privado en materia de gestión ambiental. Es abogado de profesión con más de 15 años de experiencia en Derecho Ambiental y con estudios de Maestría en Desarrollo Ambiental.[/fusion_content_box][/fusion_content_boxes][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]
