People transforming the development


INDCs: Role of Economic mechanisms and the private sector


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Date: Wednesday, October 7th[/fusion_li_item][fusion_li_item icon=»fa-clock-o»]

Time: 9:00 – 11:00 am CST[/fusion_li_item][/fusion_checklist][fusion_text]


Introduction. Aída Figari. Technical Expert, LEDS LAC Secretariat, Libelula.

Introduction to the INDCs and role of economic mechanisms. Andrew Howard. Manager of Strategy, Collaboration & Communication (SCC), UNFCCC.


INDCs and focus on Paris negotiations. Dr. Hugh Sealy. Lead Negotiator, Alliance of Small Island States.


Implementation of INDCs and the role of the private sector. Lucila Serra. Consultant, WINDREF.


About the webinar

This webinar focused on the INDCs in LAC with a strong focus on the Caribbean region, including their use of economic mechanism under the UNFCCC as a tangible channel for delivering action and support through finance, technology and capacity development, and for conducting the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of the mitigation outcomes.

The webinar allowed participants the opportunity to share and discuss experiences on the development of INDCs in the Caribbean. A number of issues were addressed through the discussions, including:

  • Overview of submitted INDCs and their approaches to economic mechanisms
  • Identification of opportunities/sectors suitable to being supported through the CDM and/or other emerging international economic mechanisms under the UNFCCC.
  • Estimation of BAU scenarios and impacts of the interventions
  • Linkage of mitigation measures to adaptation and sustainable development benefits
  • Identification of unconditional/conditional elements of INDCs and what forms of international support are available and suitable
  • Overall integration in country-wide measures and strategies.
  • The next steps for countries who have submitted INDCs
  • Focus on SIDS during Paris negotiations

Additional material

Alexandre Gellert Paris' article about "Caribbean climate change plans submitted to the UNFCCC".


If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Secretariat: [email protected].[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]
