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Including financial entities in the implementation of NDCs for increased climate ambition

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Including Financial Entities in the Implementation of NDCs for Increased Climate Ambition

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Welcome. Aida Figari. Technical expert of the LEDS LAC Secretariat, Libélula Peru.

Strengthening private sector transparency for more ambitious climate action. Lauro Marins. Executive Director for Latin America, Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). Download presentation. 

Inheritance Colombia: including the financial sector and civil society in nature-based solutions. Clara Sofía Gómez Botero. Specialist in finance and climate change and coordinator of the Area of Collective Action and Innovation, World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Download presentation. 

Financial instruments and public policies for climate finance: experiences in Colombia. Laura Marcela Ruiz. Advisor, Ministry of Finance and Public Credit of Colombia. Download presentation. 

About the webinar

We are at a key moment for countries to take action towards increased ambition in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). According to the Paris Agreement, countries will have until 2020 to re-evaluate their climate plans and commit to a level of ambition that will prevent global warming above 1.5°C.

This webinar, co-organized by LEDS LAC Platform and the NDC Partnership, is the fourth in a series of six webinars focused on reviewing and increasing the ambition of the climate commitments. This time, we will focus on sharing experiences with specialists working at the intersection between the private sector, civil society and government to learn about the different approaches that can be taken to integrate financial institutions into climate action.

We know that countries in the region will require resources for the implementation of their NDCs. Considering how limited these resources are and the urgent need for climate action, it's increasingly important to seek creative ways to support these efforts, including through the creation of non-traditional partnerships with the private sector. This webinar will provide an opportunity for countries in the region to learn about efforts made by regional entities to establish partnerships and financing mechanisms that contribute to climate action in Latin America. The webinar will be held in Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LAC LEDS Platform Secretariat: [email protected]

About the panelists

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