People transforming the development

Climate Transparency

Technical guidelines for the management of data used in national GHG inventories: results of the ICAT Ecuador project.

26 August 2021
09:00 - 10:00 am (Quito time)



Welcome. Alicia MedinaLibélula Perú.

Welcome and initial message. Karina Barrera. Undersecretariat of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition of Ecuador.

Context presentation: "How to continuously improve data quality for a correct implementation of the Paris Agreement's enhanced climate transparency framework". Fernando Farias. UNEP DTU Partnership. | Download presentation |

Presentation of results: "Results of the ICAT Ecuador Project and Development of sectoral technical guidelines that define procedures and methodology to improve the collection and management of useful data for the preparation of Ecuador's national GHG inventories".  | Download presentation |

  • Results of the ICAT Ecuador Project. Daysy Cardenas. Climate Change Mitigation Specialist at the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition of Ecuador. 
  • Contents of the Sectoral Guides of the ICAT Ecuador project. Andrés Sarzosa, ICAT National Coordinator in Ecuador.

About the webinar

This webinar will present the main results obtained from the ICAT Project in Ecuador, focusing on the development of a series of sectoral technical guidelines that define procedures and methodology to improve the collection and management of data useful for the preparation of national GHG inventories in its Energy (Fuel Burning in Manufacturing and Construction Industry category), IPPU (Minerals Industry Category), Agriculture and Waste sectors according to the IPCC 2006 Guidelines.

This set of guidelines was developed by the Government of Ecuador with the support of the Climate Action Transparency Initiative (ICAT) project, focusing on the involvement and capacity building of organizations that generate or manage data and information for the main categories described above, which coincidentally tend to be the main categories in most GHG inventories in the countries of the region.

The webinar will be conducted in Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat:



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