Day: Wednesday, July 26, 2017.Time: 09:00 - 10:30 am (Costa Rica time)Check the time according to your location:
Introduction. Aída Figari. Technical expert of the LEDS LAC Secretariat, Libélula Perú.
Main results of the working document Interinstitutional Coordination Mechanisms for an Effective Climate Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean. María José Gutiérrez Murray. Technical expert of the Secretariat, LEDS LAC Platform. | Download presentation
Presentation of the report Forging Low Emission Development Trajectories in Latin America and the Caribbean: Multi-level dynamics in the world's most urbanized region.
Scott Müller. Coordinator of the National-Subnational Integration Working Group, Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP). | Download presentation
Jordan Harris. Country Director, Adapt Chile. | Download presentation
Promoting multilevel governance in Ecuador. Wilson Lechón. Consortium of Provincial Governments of Ecuador (CONGOPE) :: Consortium of Provincial Governments of Ecuador (CONGOPE) Download presentation
About the webinar
For the LEDS LAC Platform, an effective climate policy is one that promotes the transformation of a country's development patterns based on its specific climate change mitigation and/or adaptation objectives, which requires new forms of governance. The IPCC defines climate governance as "certain mechanisms and measures that aim to steer social systems towards preventing, mitigating or adapting to the risks posed by climate change" (IPCC, 2014 citing Jagers and Stripple, 2003).
Taking into account the importance of inter-institutional coordination mechanisms to move away from the traditional sectoral planning scheme towards a more integrative one, in the process of preparing the report LEDSenLAC 2016, the LEDS LAC Secretariat, with the support of the World Bank, prepared a working paper which characterizes existing inter-institutional coordination mechanisms in 16 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. In a complementary manner, the LEDS GP Working Group on National-Subnational Integration, in collaboration with Adapt Chile, developed a study on multilevel governance dynamics in the region.
This webinar will present the findings of both studies and report on the progress of the support being given to the development of multilevel governance mechanisms in Ecuador, in collaboration with the Consortium of Provincial Governments and other partners. The webinar will be held at Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat:
About the panelists
B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering, University of Costa Rica and M.Sc. in Climate Change and Environmental Management, University of Oxford. Climate change and sustainability consultant. Founder and director of the consulting firm RE Responsabilidad y Estrategia. Co-Founder and member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Urban Sustainability. Technical Expert of the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat, where she takes several coordination and advisory roles, including the coordination of the thematic process of Integration of Mitigation, Adaptation and Development Agendas. He has participated in the design, development and implementation of projects on climate change adaptation, low emission development strategies, carbon footprint management and carbon neutrality certification, corporate sustainability, NAMAs, among others.Subnational Program Director of the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute. For over 15 years, he has been working closely with municipal and national governments, local communities, indigenous groups and the private sector on urban sustainability, valuing ecosystem services and leveraging green growth opportunities. Scott is also a member of the steering committee of LEDSGP.Jordan has worked as a Researcher and Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Urban and Territorial Studies of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Professor of Sociology at the Universidad Diego Portales. He has participated in several research projects and consultancies on climate change adaptation, territorial planning for energy projects, sustainable solid waste management, and climate change adaptation and sustainable development indicators, among others.Climate change specialist for the project "Support to the implementation of Local Public Policies for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation", executed by the Consortium of Provincial Governments of Ecuador (CONGOPE), Biologist, Ecuadorian with specialization in Climate Change Law and Economics.