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Introduction. María José Gutiérrez Murray. LEDS LAC Secretariat, INCAE Business School.
Alliance for inclusive recycling: public-private space for participation and collective construction.Andrea Maldonado. EC-LEDS Consultant for the Vice-Ministry of Water and Basic Sanitation.
Private sector experiences in the Alliance for Inclusive Recycling. Julieta Ruiz. Executive Director of Cempre.
About the webinar
On April 22, 2014, the "Alliance for Inclusive Recycling" was signed as an initiative of the National Government, led by the Ministry of Housing, City and Territory; with the objective of promoting the formalization and strengthening of recyclers at the national level as a strategy for the social, technical and economic development of solid waste management; as well as to promote the formulation of a long-term public policy.
In this webinar we learned about "Alliance for Inclusive Recycling" and showed an example of public-private participation in the construction of strategies and public policies in a framework of social inclusion policies, sustainable development and low emissions to strengthen inclusive recycling.
The webinar was conducted in Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat: [email protected].
About the exhibitors
Andrea Maldonado. ECLEDS Consultant for the Vice-Ministry of Water and Basic Sanitation.
Chemical Engineer with a master's degree in environmental engineering. She has extensive experience in coordination and research of environmental technical projects with a high impact on public health. She is currently a technical consultant for the EC-LEDs Colombia initiative for the Ministry of Housing, USAID-USFS, and a professor in the master's program in environmental management at Universidad Sergio Arboleda.
Julieta Ruiz. Executive Director of Cempre.
Psychologist, specialist in social policy. She has a master's degree in government and public policy, and has experience in management, coordination and development of agreements and projects with the private and public sector.
Líder en manejo de programas del sector social en Colombia.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]