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Introduction. Ana María Majano. Coordinator of the LEDS LAC Secretariat, INCAE Business School.
Main results of the Expert Workshop: Strengthening the Integration of Resilience in LEDS.María José Gutiérrez. Technical Expert of the LEDS LAC Secretariat.
Synergies between Adaptation and Mitigation (SAM). Claudia Vallejo. Technical specialist in research on synergies between adaptation and mitigation, CATIE.
The INDAP experience in Chile. Katherinne Schuster Rocha. Responsible for Climate Change and Environmental Issues, Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario INDAP Chile.
About the webinar
The LEDS LAC Platform promotes the design and implementation of low-emission and climate-resilient development strategies. Since the origins of the Platform, founded in 2012, its members have agreed on a thematic priority: strengthening the link between mitigation and adaptation in climate policies. In different discussions organized within the framework of the Platform, it has been concluded that although there are examples of integration of mitigation and adaptation elements in climate change policies and programs in LAC, in many of them this integration was developed "on the fly" and not as part of the design.
This webinar explored the challenges and benefits of integrating resilience into LEDS and some of the progress being made in the LAC Region, based on the results of an Expert Workshop recently organized by LEDS LAC to address this issue. Representatives from Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Costa Rica, Colombia and several international organizations participated in this event to exchange experiences and knowledge on conceptual frameworks under development, good practices, tools, challenges and possible solutions.
The webinar was conducted in Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat: [email protected].
About the exhibitors
Claudia Vallejo
Researcher on synergies between adaptation and mitigation, CATIE
Agricultural engineer, graduated from the Escuela Agrícola Panamericana Zamorano in Honduras, with experience in climate change issues for more than 5 years through international negotiations on Climate Change and processes such as the construction of national communications, adaptation and preparation of the REDD+ mechanism. Currently developing research and preparation processes on linking adaptation and mitigation under sustainable landscapes and the inclusion of REDD+ for the countries of the region.
Katherinne Schuster Rocha
Responsible for Climate Change and Environmental Issues, Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario INDAP Chile.
Ingeniera ambiental, Licenciada en Ciencias de la Ingeniería. Integrante del Comité Intraministerial de Cambio Climático del Ministerio de Agricultura de Chile. Especialista en Sistemas Gestión Ambiental y Calidad. Experiencia de más de 9 años trabajando con la Agricultura Familia Campesina.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]