People transforming development


Climate financing and sustainable urban mobility in Latin America

2 May 2017
08:30 - 10:00 am (CST, Costa Rica time)

Climate finance and urban mobility in Latin America

Date: Tuesday, May 2, 2017.Time: 08:30 - 10:00 am (CST, Costa Rica Time)Click here to check the webinar time according to your location:

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Ana María Majano. Coordinator of the LEDS LAC Secretariat, Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE).

Jan Karremans. Director of Technical Assistance, EUROCLIMA.

1. Climate finance for resilient and low-emission cities. Silvia Brugger. Technical Assistance Technical Advisor, EUROCLIMA.

2. Climate finance: catalyst for sustainable mobility in Latin American cities. Carlos Felipe Pardo. EUROCLIMA Technical Assistance Consultant, Executive Director of NGO Despacio, Colombia.

3. The deployment of electric mobility in Latin America. Alejandro Moreno. Program Officer, UN Environment.

4. Sustainable urban mobility: a Colombian experience. Florentino Marquez. Environmental Advisor Sustainable Urban Mobility Unit (UMUS), Ministry of Transportation, Colombia.

About the webinar

Actions aimed at improving the sustainability of urban transport in Latin America through modal shift, deployment of emerging technologies and other lines of action are of vital importance to combat climate change and entail several co-benefits including health and pollution.

In order to improve sustainability and realize climate action in urban transport management, significant investments are required. Public sector climate finance presents an important catalyst for leveraging private sector investments. A better integration of climate change focus in urban mobility projects is needed to facilitate access to available funds. EUROCLIMA is supporting Latin American countries to formulate climate finance proposals. Examples and experiences will be shared to improve access to climate finance for sustainable urban mobility in Latin America.

The webinar will be held at Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat:

About the panelists

Political scientist with a master's degree in intercultural communication and international law; specialist in climate change and energy. She has been director of the Sustainable Development and Climate Change Program of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Brussels, among other activities organizing and moderating debates in Lima (COP20), Panama and other countries. He has experience in issues of political and economic transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean and worked at the Center for Applied Policy Research (CAP) in Munich, Germany, a psychologist with a master's degree in urban planning. He has advised on transport, urban development and climate change in more than 30 cities in Asia, Latin America and Africa. He has been coordinator of the "Sustainable Urban Transport Project for Latin America and Asia" of the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ) and director for Colombia of the Institute for Transport and Development Policy. He is an engineer, PhD in Economics and MBA. He currently works at UN Environment, in the Climate Change Unit of the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean in Panama, where he coordinates the EUROCLIMA-UN Environment project. He is a specialist in urban mobility issues and has participated in numerous climate change mitigation projects around the world.

Master in Engineering from Universidad de los Andes with undergraduate degree in Environmental Engineering and complementary studies in art. Researcher and consultant in air pollution, sustainable mobility, institutional development, citizen behavior and participatory construction of public policies. He is currently an advisor to the Sustainable Urban Mobility Unit (UMUS) of the Colombian Ministry of Transportation, where he supports the formulation and implementation of policies and projects to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in urban public transportation.

EUROCLIMA is a cooperation program financed by the European Union.
