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Date: Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014[/fusion_li_item][fusion_li_item icon=»fa-clock-o»]
Time: 9:00-10:30 am GMT-6[/fusion_li_item][/fusion_checklist][fusion_text]
About the webinar
The need to implement actions to mitigate climate change is undeniable. However, many stakeholders show resistance to the design and implementation of these measures for many reasons, including the preference for giving priority to other public policy objectives.
It is important to acknowledge that in most cases, mitigation actions also fulfill these other objectives and generate benefits beyond the reduction of greenhouse gases. The evaluation of those co-benefits helps convince and integrate other key players in the process, and prioritize the measures to be implemented.
In this webinar we will learn more about co-benefits assessment. We will initially have a brief presentation of the efforts of the LEDS GP Working Group on Co-benefits, followed by a presentation on the methodology for the evaluation of co-benefits developed by the UNDP and the results of a recent pilot application in Colombia.
The webinar is organized by LEDS LAC Secretariat and the Community of Practice of LEDS from Finanzas Carbono, and will be held in Spanish.
Webinar materials
- Introduction and presentation of panelists. Ana María Majano. Coordinator of LEDS LAC Secretariat, CLACDS- INCAE.
- Efforts of the Co-Benefits Working Group. Caroline Uriarte. International Analyst, LEDS GP Secretariat. Download presentation
- Development and Pilot Implementation of the Methodology for the Assessment of Co-benefits of Climate Change Mitigation Actions in Colombia. Coordinator, Colombian Low-carbon Development Strategy. Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. Download presentation
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