People transforming the development


Estimating the impacts of public policies and actions on GHGs

13 May 2015
9:00-10:30 (GMT-6)


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Introduction. Ana María Majano. Coordinator of the LEDS LAC Secretariat, INCAE Business School.

Introduction to the GHG Protocol Policy and Action Standard. David Rich. Senior Associate, World Resources Institute (WRI).

Case study: Decontamination plan for the Aburrá Valley metropolitan area in Colombia.Magdalena Fandiño. Air Quality and Emissions Specialist, Clean Air Institute.

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Policy and action standard

About the webinar

This webinar provided a brief overview of the GHG Protocol Policy and Action Standard (GHG Protocol), which can be used to estimate the effects of policies and actions on greenhouse gases. More than 270 participants from 40 countries were involved in the development of this standard, along with the GHG Protocol Mitigation Target Standard. As part of the process, 27 policies and actions were pilot tested in 20 countries and cities to ensure that the standard works in practice.

The standard can be used at different stages: from before policy implementation (to estimate the future effects of a planned policy or action); during implementation (to estimate the effects achieved to date and the evolution of key performance indicators); and after implementation (to estimate the effects that a policy or action has had on GHG emissions).

After a presentation on the standard, the case of the decontamination plan for the Aburrá Valley metropolitan area in Colombia was presented as an example of a pilot application of the standard in Latin America.

The webinar was conducted in English.

About the exhibitors

David Rich. Senior Associate, World Resources Institute (WRI).
Senior Greenhouse Gas Protocol Associate at the World Resources Institute. His work focuses on monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) and he has developed greenhouse gas accounting and reporting standards for climate change policies, mitigation targets, corporate GHG inventories, product life cycle accounting, and guidance for mandatory GHG reporting.

Magdalena Fandiño. Air Quality and Emissions Specialist, Clean Air Institute.
Environmental Engineer. Master in Engineering with emphasis in Air Quality and Emissions. She has 5 years of experience in the environmental field with specialization in air quality. She participated in the elaboration of the Air Quality Management Plan of Bogota and audited the air quality management plan of Valle de Aburrá. He has been supporting the World Resources Institute (WRI) as part of the technical working group and in the development of the quantification and reporting standard for policies and actions.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container].
