People transforming development

Green Hydrogen

Scaling up Green Hydrogen projects

28 June 2023
09:00 a.m. (Peru/Colombia) / 10:00 a.m. (Chile) / 2:00 p.m. (Germany)

Recording of the session

Materials and presentations

Decision-Making Support Tools for the Hydrogen Economy (Decision-Making Support Tools for Hydrogen Project Development and PtX)

Presentation of Omar Guerra,
Grid Planning and Analysis Center (GPAC) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Hydrogen Energy. Building a sustainable, low-carbon society

Presentation of Lucas Rodriguez,
LATAM Energy Transition Director, Air Liquide

Introduction to the event

In recent years, green hydrogen has emerged as one of the key solutions in the transition to a low-carbon economy. Its potential to address energy and environmental challenges has generated growing interest around the world.

As the hydrogen industry rapidly advances, it is crucial to equip hydrogen professionals and leaders with the necessary tools to make strategic decisions and carry out hydrogen projects effectively.

In this context, this webinar aims to provide participants with the necessary tools and knowledge to scale green hydrogen and PtX projects effectively and successfully, from kilowatt, megawatt to gigawatt scale. As we move forward in the development of the hydrogen industry and its derivatives, it is essential to be equipped with the right knowledge and tools, so it is important to acquire the necessary skills to drive the implementation and scalability of green hydrogen projects, thus contributing to a more sustainable and cleaner energy future.

We will therefore explore the opportunities and challenges associated with the production and use of green hydrogen, analyzing in detail the tools available for the analysis of hydrogen and its derivatives. These tools allow us to assess the technical and economic feasibility of projects, as well as to make informed decisions on their design and development.

Finally, we will present detailed case study examples that will illustrate how these tools work in concrete situations, regardless of the geographical location of the project. In this way, participants will gain a broad and applicable vision for different contexts.

Objectives of the event

The objective of this webinar is to provide participants with the tools necessary to make informed decisions about the type of hydrogen projects to be developed. In addition, it seeks to guide participants through the project design process, so that by the end of the webinar they will have a clear understanding of how to apply these tools to their own applications.

During the webinar, a high-level analysis will address three of the different tools available for the analysis of hydrogen and its derivatives. It will highlight these tools and explain how they can be used to assess the technical and economic feasibility of projects:

  • H2A: Hydrogen Analysis Production Models: Eassess the technical and economic feasibility of hydrogen production systems. Its practical utility includes cost assessment, design optimization, feasibility assessment and strategic planning for renewable energy and fuel cell projects. It enables informed and strategic decisions to drive the transition to a sustainable hydrogen economy.
  • RODeO: Revenue, Operation, and Device Optimization: It is a plant design tool that allows a comprehensive optimization taking into account aspects of revenue, operation and devices. Its usefulness lies in the fact that it goes beyond conventional design, since it considers both investment costs (CAPEX) and operating costs (OPEX) in terms of capacity in megawatts (MW). This provides a more complete, integrated and accurate view to maximize revenues and optimize the operation of the plant as a whole.
  • SERA: Scenario Evaluation and Regionalization Analysis Model: Its usefulness lies in its ability to evaluate scenarios and perform regionalization analysis. It enables users to model different scenarios, assess the impact of strategic decisions and optimize the supply chain based on factors such as geographic location, resource availability, market demand and logistics costs. With SERA, organizations can make informed, strategic decisions to improve efficiency, reduce costs and maximize profitability in their supply chain operations.

Detailed case study examples will be presented to show how these tools work in a specific context. These examples will be selected to be relevant regardless of the geographical location of the project, thus providing a broad and applicable view to different scenarios, at three levels:

  • Supply chain: How your project can fit into a hydrogen value chain considering demand centers, export ports, renewable resources, power grid, among others.
  • Hydrogen plant design: How should the design be, what technologies should be used or combined with each other to define the optimal design of the systems (combinations with solar, wind or other). 
  • Process operation: How to determine energy consumption, water consumption, balance of plant, additional equipment required, compositions of each of the process streams, etc.

At the end of the webinar, participants will have the necessary tools to make informed decisions in the planning and design of hydrogen projects. In addition, they will have gained practical knowledge on how to use these tools in a case study, which will allow them to apply that knowledge to their own applications and projects.


Aida Figari, LEDS LAC
Introduction to the webinar series
Jorge Roncancio, GIZ Colombia
Introduction to the webinar
Facilitation: Blanca Rengifo and Aida Figari, LEDS LAC
Words of welcome
Emanuel Ramirez - FENOGE Hydrogen Technical Leader
Conceptual Presentation: "Decision Support Tools for Hydrogen and PtX Project Development".
Omar Guerra (NREL)
Presentation on the use of open source tools
Case Study Presentation: Experience in the use of decision making tools for H2 and PtX Projects
Daniel Avila, ENERTRAG
Panel of cases and experiences
Moderator: Daniella Rough (GCAP)
  • Case 1: Green ammonia production case, Jennifer King - NREL
  • Case 2: Air Liquide, Lucas Rodriguez - LATAM Energy Transition Director
  • 10:50
