People transforming the development


Climate-Smart Agriculture: evaluation of farming practices in two Central American territories

27 April 2016
9:00- 10:30 am (CST, Costa Rica time)



Introduction. Aída Figari LEDS LAC Technical Expert, Libélula Perú.

Leida Mercado. Leader of the Mesoamerican Agro-environmental Program, Director of the Research and Development Division, Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE). Presentation: Tool to evaluate agricultural practices under the concept of Climate Smart Agriculture.

Rolando Cerda. Agroforestry Researcher-Professor, CATIE. Presentation: Evaluation of climate-smart agriculture practices in the Trifinio (El Salvador-Honduras-Guatemala) and central territory of Nicaragua. B.

Documents of Interest

Information on the International Course on Identification, Evaluation and Promotion of Climate-Smart Agriculture Practices:…

Results of the study "Prioritization of Investments in Sustainable Agriculture Adapted to Climate (ASAC):…

About the webinar

Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) is an approach to develop the technical, policy and investment conditions to promote sustainable agricultural development that contributes to food security in the context of climate change. For its implementation, it is important to develop support frameworks that facilitate the identification of best practice portfolios and prioritize investments.

This webinar presented the methodological tool "Climate-Smart Agriculture Investment Prioritization Framework" developed by CCAFS-CIAT and adapted by CATIE for application in two Central American territories where the Mesoamerican Agro-environmental Program (MAP) operates. This tool makes it possible to identify and evaluate technically and economically promising climate-smart agriculture practices, and to build portfolios of best practices selected in a participatory manner by key stakeholders.

The webinar was conducted in Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat: [email protected]

About the exhibitors

Leida Mercado. Leader of the Mesoamerican Agro-environmental Program, Director of the Research and Development Division, CATIE.
Agricultural engineer with a Master's degree and PhD from Cornell University. Prior to working at CATIE, she worked as an environmental economics advisor for the Latin America and Caribbean region at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Her area of expertise is the economic valuation of environmental goods and services and the design and evaluation of public policies. Leida has extensive experience in the management of development and research programs and projects.

Rolando Cerda B. Agroforestry Researcher-Professor, CATIE. 
He is a specialist in agroforestry systems, has worked in research and development projects related to improving the productivity of production systems and improving the welfare of rural families. In these projects he has participated in the design and coordination of field schools with smallholder families, and has directed and published several researches on ecosystem services (carbon, diversified production, pollination, soil quality). Rolando is also a professor in CATIE's Masters in Sustainable Agriculture and Agroforestry.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container].
