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Adaptation in the Nationally Determined Contributions: approaches to increase ambition
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Welcome. Aída Figari. Technical expert of LEDS LAC Secretariat, Libélula Peru.
Introduction: regional advances in adaptation to climate change. Daniel Morchain. Associate, Resilience Program, NAP Global Network & International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD).
Adaptation and Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement: the case of the Dominican Republic. Jeniffer Hanna Collado. Manager of Planning and Development, National Climate Change Council and CDM of the Dominican Republic. | Download presentation
Strategies to link the private sector in climate change adaptation actions. María Margarita Gutiérrez. Deputy Director for the Tropical Andes of North and South-Central America (NASCA), The Nature Conservancy, The Nature Conservancy. Download presentation
About the webinar
We are at a key moment for countries to take action towards increasing the ambition of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). As established by the Paris Agreement, the countries will have until 2020 to reassess their climate plans and commit to a level of ambition that prevents global warming above 1.5 ° C. We know that even by implementing the NDCs, the world expects a global temperature increase that will lead to significant impacts for the population. Therefore, it is important to consider the ways in which countries can adapt to the new circumstances, both at the governmental level through the development of public policies and monitoring and implementation of the Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement, and through the establishment of Non-traditional alliances with the private sector.
This webinar, co-organized by LEDS LAC, and NDC Partnership, is the third in a series of six webinars focused on reviewing and increasing the ambition of acquired climate commitments. This time, we focus on analyzing, taking into account various perspectives, the role of adaptation in increasing the ambition of the NDCs. We begin with an introduction to regional advances in adaptation issues. We will then discuss the experience of countries and experts in the region on the different approaches that can be taken to increase ambition in national climate action through integration of adaptation.
This webinar will provide the opportunity for the countries of the region to learn about the efforts carried out by regional actors to contribute to climate change adaptation in Latin America. The webinar will be held in Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat: [email protected].
About the panelists
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