People transforming the development


Actions of the transportation sector to COVID19 in Latin America

12:00 to 13:30 hrs (GMT-5, Peruvian time)


  • Welcome and introduction. Carolina Chantrill (LEDS LAC) and Maruxa Cardama (SloCat)
  • Presentation on prevention measures and transportation implications of COVID-19, using the case of Shenzhen Bus Group, China. Verena Flues, Senior Sustainable Mobility Specialist at the German Development Cooperation Agency (GIZ)
  • Presentation of measures taken to date and challenge in the City of Buenos Aires. Lucila Capelli, Undersecretary for Sustainable Mobility of the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
  • Presentation of measures taken to date and challenge in Mexico City. Rodrigo Diaz Gonzalez. Undersecretary of Planning, Policy and Regulation of the Secretariat of Mobility of Mexico City.
  • Exchange session between participants and speakers.


  1. To build a common understanding of the most relevant aspects that influence the spread of COVID-19 disease in the context of transportation systems.
  2. Share experiences on the measures taken in several cities in the region to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19, challenges, difficulties and lessons learned to date from the events and results of the measures taken.
  3. Generate a bond of mutual support and shared efforts to provide encouragement and reassurance to decision-makers and affected communities.

About the webinar

On March 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that COVID-19 has become a global pandemic. Transportation plays a central role in controlling the spread of the virus and various authorities in the region are implementing measures to meet the demand for goods and personal mobility, while promoting social distancing and preventing the spread of the disease.

The webinar aims to be a space for dialogue and exchange between officials and experts from the Latin American transport sector in the face of the challenge of COVID19. A conceptualization will be presented on the role of transport in the transmission of the virus and the appropriate measures that the sector can take to reduce the risk of contagion, while meeting the demand for basic mobility for society and the supply of inputs such as food and medicines. In addition, authorities from Latin American cities will share the outlines of their action plans, leading to a space for exchange among participants at the end of the meeting.

About the panelists

Verena Flues

Since 2017 Verena Flues has been part of the sustainable mobility team of the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) and contributes to managing the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI), which brings together 11 leading organizations in the sector. Within TUMI, Verena coordinates the implementation of sustainable mobility projects in 3 Latin American countries and Morocco and develops new capacity building formats. She holds a Master's degree in Political Science and a specialization in Environmental Policy from Sciences Po University in Paris and the National Autonomous University in Mexico City.

Lucila Capelli

Lucila Capelli is Undersecretary of Sustainable Mobility of the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. She was head of advisors of the Ministry of Transport of the Argentine Republic until 2019. She holds a degree in Political Science (UBA) and a Master's degree in Transport from the University of Leeds (UK). She teaches at the Universidad Nacional de San Martin (UNSAM) and was co-founder of Asociación Sustentar.

Rodrigo Díaz González

Rodrigo Diaz Gonzalez, currently Undersecretary of Planning, Policy and Regulation at the Secretariat of Mobility of Mexico City, is an architect graduated in 2000 from the Catholic University of Chile, Fulbright scholar to pursue a Master's degree in Urban Planning at MIT, where he graduated in 2008. With extensive experience in the public and private sector, in his home country he was the director of the Department of Infrastructure of the Metropolitan Area in the "Chile Barrio" Program of the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism. In Mexico he worked for three years as Master Consultant in the General Subdirectorate of Social Sustainability of Infonavit, being in charge of the definition of the sustainable housing model. He joined CTS EMBARQ Mexico in February 2012, where he was Sr. Specialist in Applied Research and Development (IDEA). A pedestrian by conviction, he is the author of numerous articles on urbanism, publishes regularly in various national and foreign media and in his blog Pedestre. During 2013 he was a member of the Advisory Board of the National Section of Reforma.

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