People transforming the development


Regional Workshop LEDS LAC 2024: Coordinating and enhancing regional action towards COP30

20 August 2024


In its 2024 edition, the LEDS LAC Regional Workshop will be held in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, from September 30 to October 2 and aims to provide a meeting and articulation space to accelerate climate action and increase ambition in Latin America and the Caribbean in the process of strengthening and implementing the NDCs.

Este evento congregará a más de 100 participantes de Latinoamérica y el Caribe, incluyendo representantes de gobiernos nacionales y subnacionales, sector privado, academia, sociedad civil, organizaciones internacionales, agencias de cooperación, y miembros de nuestras Comunidades de Práctica y Grupos de Trabajo. Los participantes podrán intercambiar experiencias, generar aprendizajes entre pares e identificar oportunidades concretas para la colaboración regional y sinergias en la ruta hacia la COP30 a través de sesiones interactivas, paneles de discusión y talleres prácticos. 

Bajo el lema «Coordinando y Potenciando la Acción Regional hacia la COP30», este año el taller  se centrará en el fortalecimiento de capacidades y la colaboración enfocadas en el proceso de actualización de las NDC, el incremento de la ambición y el enlace con las Estrategias a Largo Plazo (LTS), a la luz del Consenso de EAU y Balance Global (GST). La agenda del primer día del Taller se enfocará en las Capacidades para el desarrollo de la actualización y alineamiento de NDC y LTS rumbo a la COP30, el segundo día en la Movilizando recursos para la acción, y en el tercer día se pondrá el foco en la Gobernanza y Articulación multiactor para implementar los compromisos y acciones. 

The LEDS LAC Regional Workshop is organized in close collaboration with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); the EUROCLIMA program through its implementing agencies, the German Cooperation Agency GIZ, the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Public Administration and Policy (FIIAPP), and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT); and in partnership with Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP), NDC Partnership and the UN Regional Collaboration Center on Climate Change (RCC Latam). It is also supported by the Global Methane Hub, NAP Global Network and High-Level Champions (Race to Zero).

The LEDS LAC regional workshops, held annually, are a meeting space for members and partners to facilitate networking, create connections and foster collaborations and synergies. These meetings facilitate joint reflection and the exchange of learning among peers, deepening technical dialogue and identifying needs, priorities and emerging issues that are crucial to move towards resilient and low-emission development.

In compliance with the Paris Agreement, countries have focused their efforts on the implementation of their NDCs and the design of long-term climate strategies. 2024 stands as a crucial year for updating the NDCs, which must be submitted by March 2025, with more ambitious commitments. These processes have highlighted challenges such as the improvement of monitoring and reporting systems, the creation of innovative financing mechanisms, and the need to strengthen capacities and involve new actors to increase ambition in climate mitigation and adaptation.

Registration and additional information:

Those interested in participating in the LED LAC 2024 Regional Workshop can fill out the following expression of interest form*: For more information, please visit the official website of the event: or write to

(*) This registration of interest does not guarantee your participation or funding to attend the 2024 Regional Workshop, which will be subject to availability of funds and venue capacity. 


The LEDS LAC Regional Platform is a collaboration and action platform, driven by Latin American and Caribbean countries, to support the implementation of NDCs and resilient and low-emission development strategies. LEDS LAC is the regional platform of the Global Climate Action Partnership (GCAP). 

Since 2012, LEDS LAC collaborates in the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and promotes resilient and low-emission development strategies, as well as bringing together representatives from governments and the private sector, non-governmental organizations, international cooperation organizations and academics working on the promotion and implementation of LEDS, facilitating the transition to a sustainable future in LAC.


LEDS LAC  es una plataforma de colaboración y acción, impulsada por los países de Latinoamérica y el Caribe, para apoyar la implementación de las NDC y las estrategias de desarrollo resiliente y bajo en emisiones. LEDS LAC es la plataforma regional del Global Climate Action Partnership (GCAP). 

Since 2012, LEDS LAC collaborates in the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and promotes resilient and low-emission development strategies, as well as bringing together representatives from governments and the private sector, non-governmental organizations, international cooperation organizations and academics working on the promotion and implementation of LEDS, facilitating the transition to a sustainable future in LAC.
