People transforming the development

Regional workshop LEDS LAC 2024

Coordinating and Promoting Regional Action towards COP30

30 September to 2 October
Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil

This year in the Regional Workshop LEDS LAC 2024

Leaders and representatives of national and subnational governments, the private sector, the financial sector, academia, civil society, cooperation agencies, programs and regional initiatives from Latin America and the Caribbean met to coordinate and strengthen regional action on the road to COP30.

3 days of exchange of experiences and best practices where they identified opportunities for collaboration for resilient and low-emission development.

The agenda The workshop was organized as follows:

Capabilities for the update and alignment of NDC and LTS heading to the COP30
8:30 - 9:00
Registration of participants
9:00 - 9:30
Official opening / Objectives, agenda and presentation of participants
9:30 - 11:00
Sail to the COP 30: Coordination between countries and agencies, all together, by the Paris agreement


  • Identify how the BTR and the results of the Global Stocktake report the update of the NDC in the region, to recognize operational challenges and lessons learned in the region.
  • Inputs to promote policy coherence in the NDC with LTS, NAPs, NBSAPs, and others.
  • Learn about the efforts of the inter-agency coordination between development agencies in support of the countries of the region and how to strengthen this coordination.
Organized by:
11:00 - 11:20
11:20 - 12:50
Joint multi-level for the definition and implementation of plans and climate goals: progress and gaps


Identify progress and gaps in the establishment of mechanisms for dialogue and coordination between different levels of governance for the design, implementation and monitoring of the NDC, LT, NAPs, and other instruments of climate policy.

Organized by:
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:30
Metrics and data for decision making and transparency in climate


To emphasize the importance of metrics and data robust for decision making with respect to the new NDC and LTS, and to strengthen monitoring and reporting of climate goals, derive lessons and good practices from the experiences of the region and identify actions needed to strengthen the generation and use of data in policy-making processes of the climate.

Organized by:
Let's talk about just transition and the resilience of the agrifood systems: a look from the NDC and LT-LEDS


  • Promote food systems that are resilient and sustainable, as an agriculture that puts you in the center of the nature and the people, without challenge the limits of climate, in line with the call to the Action of Food Systems of the COP28 and the Declaration of food and agriculture released by the presidency of the COP28
  • Give to know the relationship between a just Transition and agrifood systems, focused on policies that allow or incorporate the just transition. 
  • To publicize the enabling conditions for the inclusion of the topic
  • Mobilize non-state actors to improve enabling conditions to improve the NDC governments.
Organized by:
15:30 - 16:00
16:00 - 17:30
Integrating the goals and the progress on climate action of the players will not state in the national reports of progress


The overall objective of the session is to learn about the latest advances and experiences in the region in the
integration of the goals and the progress report on climate action of the players will not
state in the national reports on the progress in the implementation of the NDCs, under the Transparency framework of the Paris Agreement.

It will seek to identify good practices and exchanging recommendations on:

  • How to recognize and to seamlessly integrate the contribution of the non-actors
    state to strengthen the achievement of the objectives and plans of mitigation and
  • How to better link the strategies and climate goals of the non-state actors with the commitments and national objectives, in a transparent manner, to improve the credibility of these commitments and to promote greater ambition from both governments and non-state actors.
Organized by:
Transition to Collective Transport: Actions to implement the NDCs in Latin America and the Caribbean


Present an analysis of the NDCs of the countries in LAC in the theme of transportation to reflect on how they can lead to action on the commitments and effectively achieve the goals set. It will seek to address the topic by analyzing the challenges of closing gaps between the diversity of cities in the region and their territoriality. Even more, they will ask how subnational governments can help to raise the ambition at the national level, presenting the challenges and distinguishing the potential of the transport sector and the opportunities that it offers the efficiency of resources.

Organized by:
The end of the first day
Mobilizing resources for action
8:30 - 9:00
Registration of participants
9:00 - 9:30
Review of the first day, and agenda of the second day
9:30 - 11:00
Accelerating Climate Financing: Opportunities and Strategies in LAC


  • To present the different planning tools to mobilize funding climate, illustrating how they integrate with the policies of development and detailing the challenges and opportunities for replication in the region.
  • Share experiences from the private sector on investment and mobilization of funding climate, highlighting opportunities to scale and replicate these investments in the region.
Organized by:
11:00 - 11:20
11:20 - 12:50
Dialogue between ministries of finance and ministries of the environment What we are dealing with and what they're dealing with in the framework of climate action?


On the basis of a dialogue between representatives of the ministries of economy and finance and ministries of the environment, to facilitate the common understanding of why the climate agenda matter to the first and how they can contribute to climate action that involves the NDC/LTS, whose development is lead by the seconds.

Organized by:
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:30
Joint public-private planning and implementation of investment climate in LAC


Identify opportunities and needs for strengthening the joint public-private planning and mobilization of the necessary investments for the implementation of the NDC, LT, NAPS and other instruments in the LAC region, on the basis of the perspectives of the private sector and global experiences of the region.

Organized by:
Alignment of policies to promote the nexus between climate, nature, and development


  • To provide with a look on the different strategies and methodologies to promote consistency between public policies, to strengthen the nexus between climate, nature, and development. 
  • Identify possible entry points, challenges, and opportunities to articulate the NDC, NAPs and NBSAPs. 
  • Inter-institutional articulation and its linkage with local structures of local government and other non-state actors such as indigenous peoples and nationalities, youth and civil society.
Organized by:
15:30 - 16:00
16:00 - 17:30
Instruments and financial mechanisms to accelerate climate action


  • Report on the general concepts tools and financial mechanisms and to demonstrate its implementation using a case study of the region and to address a discussion on how we can innovate with the tools and existing financial mechanisms.
  • To address the importance of having monitoring systems on climate financing in order to ensure a successful deployment of resources for climate action.
Organized by:
Strengthening the contribution of management of organic waste and bioenergy to the climate goals of LAC


Discuss the potential of the management of organic waste and bioenergy to achieve goals for climate and development in the Latin american region and the Caribbean, and develop lines of action to promote the integration of these actions on the Contributions Nationally Determined (NDC), the Long-Term Strategies (LTS) and the sectoral policies relevant.

Organized by:
17:30 - 18:30
Open space
18:30 - 20:00
Documentary: Floresta, um Jardim cultivating / Forest, a Garden that grows
Organized by:
Governance and joint multi-stakeholder to implement the commitments and actions
8:30 - 9:00
Registration of participants
9:00 - 9:30
Review of the second day, and agenda of the third day
9:30 - 11:00
Articulation between actors: strengthening the governance of climate with a focus of the whole society


  • Discuss what progress has been made in the region in the development of governance mechanisms that allow for the implementation of the approach of “whole of society” ( whole-of-society approach) in climate action
  • Identify needs and opportunities to strengthen the involvement of the different actors of the face of the new NDC, LT, NAPs and other relevant instruments.
Organized by:
11:00 - 11:20
11:30 - 13:00
Synthesis of learnings and prioritization of actions and partnerships heading to the COP30


13:00 - 14:30
Relive the event

Plenary sessions

Day 1: Capabilities for NDC and LTS update and alignment towards COP30

Day 2: Mobilizing resources for action

Day 3: Governance and multi-stakeholder articulation to implement commitments and actions


Results of the 2024 Regional Workshop

More than 140 participants from different countries

Strengthen capacities and knowledge

More than 1,500 streaming views

Collaboration and partnership opportunities

Share regional experiences

Advance towards COP30

Regional workshops LEDS LAC

The LEDS LAC Regional Workshops, held annually, provide a meeting space for members and partners that facilitate networking, the creation of connections, and the promotion of collaborations and synergies. These events allow for reflection and the exchange of experiences and learnings among peers, deepen technical dialogue, and identify needs, priorities, and emerging topics on the path toward resilient and low-emission development. This year, we celebrate the tenth annual in person regional meeting organized by the LEDS LAC platform in its 12 years of operation.

In compliance with the Paris Agreement, countries have focused their efforts on preparing and implementing their NDCs and designing long-term climate strategies. The year 2024 is crucial for the updating of NDCs, which must be submitted by March 2025, showing more ambitious commitments. These processes have highlighted challenges such as improving monitoring and reporting systems, innovative financing mechanisms, and the need to strengthen capacities and involve new stakeholders, increasing ambition in climate mitigation and adaptation.


Facilitate a regional meeting space to promote climate action and raise ambition in LAC through the actors and relevant sectors that drive the implementation and mainstreaming in development policies and the mobilization of financing and investments.

To facilitate To facilitate in-person meetings and strengthen relationships among members and partners of the LEDS LAC platform, as well as various practitioners in the region who are driving the transformation towards low-emission and resilient development in LAC.

To strengthen capacities through the exchange of experiences and learning (among Communities of Practice and Working Groups, partners and collaborators), and through training and deepening in the use of tools and resources, especially in the areas of financing, decision-making information, and stakeholder coordination.

To promote and find opportunities for collaboration among participants (public sector, private sector, academia, civil society, international cooperation organizations, among others) to strengthen enabling frameworks in countries, mobilize financing for climate action, and to organize new regional activities that support the implementation of NDCs, LTS, and the Roadmap to COP30.

To identify and prioritize needs or emerging topics for LEDS LAC members, focusing on implementing their climate commitments and plans, mobilizing financing, or building capacities to increase the ambition of NDCs and LTS.

Co-organized with:
In partnership with:
With the support of:

LEDS LAC Regional Workshop 2023

The LEDS LAC Regional Workshop 2023, organized by the LEDS LAC Secretariat, the DCCD/MINAM, and the Inter-American Development Bank, took place in Lima, Peru, as part of Peru's Climate Week. It was supported by UNDP, Euroclima, NDC Partnership, Reciclo Orgánicos, Avina, and Resilience Hub. As with previous events, the 2023 workshop aimed to contribute to the transition towards resilient and low-emission development in LAC countries, recognizing the importance of developing and implementing commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement, including Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), Long-Term Climate Strategies (LTS), and National Adaptation Plans.