People transforming the development


First regional meeting on monitoring and evaluation of climate change policies in Latin America

23 April 2018


  • EUROCLIMA+ and South-South Cooperation Evaluation, EU-funded programs, join forces to strengthen climate policies in Latin America
  • Strengthening the monitoring of progress in mitigation is key to limiting the increase in global temperatures to 2°C.

Mexico City-Mexico, April 16, 2018. In Mexico City, Mexico's first Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation PoliciesThe event, a regional meeting where experts in public policy evaluation and climate change will work together to improve climate policies in Latin America.

The meeting, organized within the framework of the Climate Governance component of the EUROCLIMA+ program and in conjunction with the South-South Cooperation Evaluation program, both implemented by the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Public Administration and Policies, F.S.P. (FIIAPP), will be held at the Hilton Hotel from April 16 to 18 and will bring together more than 70 participants from 17 Latin American countries.

This will be a regional workshop that arises from the requests that some countries have made to us to support them in improving the link between Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Policies and their Action Plans with robust monitoring and evaluation systems, which allow them to respond to the commitments made in the Paris Agreement," says Valentina Martinez, FIIAPP Coordinator for the EUROCLIMA+ program.

According to the organizers, monitoring and evaluation practices for climate change policies and action plans are relatively new and are still in the construction and consolidation phase worldwide. However, there are already concrete proposals and experiences that can be useful to achieve advances that facilitate these evaluation practices.

The workshop will promote the exchange between representatives of Latin American countries, European institutions and the United Nations on successful examples that exist in both continents on issues such as the monitoring of adaptation to climate change or the co-benefits of energy reforms. It will also promote inter-institutional coordination and the creation of communication channels that will enable progress in measurement, transparency and accountability in the area of climate change.

This first regional meeting will be inaugurated by Marie Augouy, Head of the Cooperation Section of the European Union in Mexico and by Neydi Cruz, Director General of International Cooperation, Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) and will also count with the participation of officials from the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC) as well as from the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (CONEVAL).

Event documents:

Meeting Agenda

2. Presentations (we will be posting them during the course of the event):

3. Participants

4. Logistic information

Gallery of the event:

Go to the original article
