NDC Global Conference 2019
The Global NDC Conference 2019 is an annual event that seeks to contribute to the implementation and updating of the NDCs globally. It seeks to inspire and enable policymakers and implementers to accelerate the pace and scale of transformational change, through NDC implementation, to achieve the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement.
This year, LEDS LAC, LEDS GP and community members such as Support, AED, CIOSTE and UNEP-DTUamong others, will take an active role in the event.
We share information about the sessions that will be broadcast via Facebook Live and the sessions organized or where LEDS LAC and community members participate.
Facebook Live
The Facebook Live will be broadcasted through the Facebook of NCD Partnership in Berlin, Germany, and rebroadcasted on the LEDS LAC Facebook.
LEDS LAC Community Sessions
- June 11
One-day interactive session with regional sustainable transportation professionals
Time: 08:30 am - 3:00 pm
Organized by: Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT), LEDS GP Transport Working Group, NDC Partnership and the Asia LEDS
- June 12
Organized by: EUROCLIMA+, FIIAPP, LEDS LAC (Community of Practice on Monitoring and Evaluation M&E of Climate Policies)
Panelists: Angela Rivera (Colombia); Fernando Farías (UNEP DTU); Ana Pinto (Spain); Fernando Farías (UNEP DTU).
Experience / Country: Colombia and Spain
Facilitators: IISD, GIZ
Panelists: Laura Cruz (Sustentar); Anika Terton (IISD); Shivanal Kumar (Fiji); Thomas Lerenten Lelekoitien (Kenya); Pauline Probst (GIZ).
- June 13
Facilitators: SD Strategies for the LEDS GP Energy Working group and GIZ, BMU & GIZ Costa Rica ACCION Clima II project
Panelists: Imre Petry (AED), Andrea Meza (Costa Rica); Mexico (tbc); Ursula Becker (GIZ); Ieva Indriunaite (SDS); Sebastian Helgenberger (IASS); South Africa (tbc); Dean Gioutsos (SDS)
Experience / Country: Mexico and Costa Rica
Facilitators: GIZ; LEDS GP Transport Working Group; Sustentar; SloCaT
Panelists: Clara Sanguinetti (Argentina); Ariel Alvarez (Uruguay); Francisco Maciel (Brazil)
Experience / Country: Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil
- June 14
Facilitators: UNEP-DTU, UNFCCC
Panelists: Jenny Mager (Ministry of Environment, Chile); Jake Werksman (European Commission); Miriam Hinostroza (UNEP-DTU Partnership); Ruta Bubniene (UNFCCC); Xuehong Wang (UNFCCC); Ayite-Lô Nohende Ajavon (University of Lome, Togo); Ayite-Lô Nohende Ajavon (University of Lome, Togo)
Experience / Country: Chile
Facilitators: LEDS GP Transport Working Group; Sustentar; LEDS LAC
Panelists: Juan Pablo Bocarejo (Colombia); Guillermo Areas (BMW); Raúl Delgado (IDB)
Experience / Country: Colombia
Open Space Sessions
June 14 / 2:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Space for dialogue with LEDS LAC to share our vision and the impact we hope to achieve this year 2019. We also seek to open a conversation about the common challenges we face in LAC to implement the NDCs, increase ambition and design long-term strategies.
If you are attending the Global NDC Conference 2019 and would like to participate in this space, please send an email to: afigari@libelula.com.pe
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