Community of Practice on Climate Policy Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
Initiative of the Climate Governance Component of the EUROCLIMA+ Program, the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Public Administration and Policies (FIIAPP) and the Regional Platform for Latin America and the Caribbean for Low Emission and Resilient Development Strategies (LEDS LAC).
What is the Climate Policy M&E Community of Practice?
This Community of Practice (CoP) responds to the need identified by several countries in the Latin American region to strengthen monitoring and evaluation systems as a means to improve the link between climate change adaptation and mitigation policies and their action plans.
It is made up of more than 40 experts representing environmental, planning, finance and other governmental bodies from the 18 EUROCLIMA+ countries and European experts. And it is a space for members to learn from each other through moderated discussions, receive online and face-to-face training, discuss and systematize best practices, learn about exemplary cases, contribute ideas and recent publications, receive timely advice, and collaborate with other members in developing a framework to guide this integrated approach.
Virtual and Face-to-Face Exchange Sessions
Virtual and face-to-face exchange sessions between members of the CoP on topics in which the members themselves indicate an interest:
- Session 32: What are the key messages from COP27? (December 15, 2022)
- Session 31: Nature-based solutions: their potential for climate change adaptation (part 3) (November 3, 2022)
- Session 30: Nature-based solutions: their potential for climate change adaptation (part 2) (September 15, 2022)
- Session 29: Climate Change and Nature-Based Solutions (part 1) (August 3, 2022) Conclusions
- Session 28: Loss and Damage Assessment and Reporting (part 4) (June 2, 2022) Conclusions
- Session 27: Loss and Damage Assessment and Reporting (part 3) (April 21, 2022) Conclusions
- Session 26: Loss and Damage Assessment and Reporting (part 2) (March 17, 2022) Conclusions
- Session 25: Loss and Damage Assessment and Reporting (part 1) (February 17, 2022) Conclusions
- Session 24: COP26 - What lessons for Climate Policy Monitoring and Assessment? (December 9, 2021) Conclusions
- Session 23: Adaptation from the local level: leveraging and measuring its financing (September 22, 2021) Conclusions
- Session 22: New experiences and challenges on M&E of climate policies in the agricultural sector (August 11, 2021) Conclusions
- Session 21: Priorities for action and planning for a new work cycle (July 7, 2021) Conclusions
- Session 20: Expert Consultation (October 14, 2020)
- Session 19: How to approach MRV and M&E of Long-Term Decarbonization Strategies: from thinking to practice. (November 5, 2020) Conclusions
- Session 18: Adaptation policy M&E as a vector for the ambition of new NDCs (October 1, 2020)
- Session 17: Sectoral Experiences in Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (August 13, 2020) Conclusions
- Session 16: El Salvador's Nationally Determined Contributions Progress Monitoring and Reporting System (June 25, 2020) Conclusions
- Session 15: Institutional Arrangements for Climate Policy M&E in the Region (May 14, 2020) Conclusions
- Session 14. Decisions, results and implementation of the Enhanced Transparency Framework (April 2, 2020) Conclusions
- Session 13. M&E of gender-sensitive adaptation (November 21, 2019)
- Session 12. National communications on climate change adaptation (17 October 2019)
- Session 11. Theory of Change in Climate Policy M&E (29 August 2019)
- Session 10. Preparatory Session for Adaptation M&E Workshop - Introduction to the Enhanced Transparency Framework (11 July 2019)
- Session 9. Linking Climate Policy M&E with SDG Reporting (30 May 2019)
- Session 8. Regulatory arrangements for the generation of data and indicators (28 February 2019)
- Session 7. Monitoring compliance and progress on NDCs - Implications of COP24 (17 January 2019)
- Session 6. Climate Change Adaptation Indicators - continuation (28 November 2018)
- Session 5. Climate Change Adaptation Indicators (25 October 2018)
- Session 4. Monitoring and Evaluation of Adaptation to climate change (13 September 2018)
- Session 3. National-territorial articulation for climate policy monitoring and assessment (1 August 2018, in person)
- Session 2. Definition of Goals and Indicators (5 July 2018)
- Session 1. Climate Policy M&E System Structures (24 May 2018)
VI Workshop of the Regional Group of Latin America and the Caribbean:
- 16 to 19 Jul 2019
- Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation in light of the Enhanced Transparency Framework.
Exchange Workshop: M&E of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Policies:
- 16 to 18 April 2018
- Mexico City, Mexico
During the first regional meeting, experts in public policy evaluation and climate change marked the beginning of this joint work to improve climate policies in Latin America. More than 70 participants from 17 Latin American countries participated.
Climate Policy Monitoring and Assessment Workshop
A look at reporting challenges in the enhanced transparency framework: Adaptation Communications

State of the art on climate impact loss and damage in Latin America and the Caribbean
- August 2022
- Prepared by: International and Ibero-American Foundation for Public Policy and Administration
- Spanish
Results and lessons learned from the Community of Practice on climate climate policy monitoring and evaluation
- April 2020
- Prepared by: Community of Practice on Climate Policy Monitoring and Evaluation, supported by FIIAPP in the Climate Governance component of EUROCLIMA+ with support from the LEDS LAC Platform.
- Spanish
Case Studies
Private Archive
Are you a member of this Community of Practice?
Enter the private archive containing historical material of all virtual meetings and dialogues.
María José Pacha
Coordinator of the Monitoring and Evaluation Community of PracticeMarc Chapellier
Technical Specialist EUROCLIMA+ Program International and Ibero-American Foundation for Public Administration and Policies (FIIAPP)
We also have these other 6 Communities of Practice:
The Climate Policy Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Community of Practice
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