Introduction and objectives
The virtual event is carried out between the MaPriC Chile and Colombia project and the LEDS LAC platform. It corresponds to the final event of the series of regional events on mining and climate and has the following objectives:
- Present the latest results of the MaPriC Chile and Colombia project.
- Share the cooperation experience of MaPriC Chile and Colombia (public - private - cooperation).
- To close the series of regional events held on MaPriC.
- Open call for representatives of the public sector, private sector, academia, consultants and experts, working or interested in the MaPriC project.
The event will feature
Simultaneous translation into English /
Simultaneous translation in Spanish

Time | Subject |
08:00 | Welcome and general introduction Facilitators: Javier Perla and Aida Figari, Plataforma LEDS LAC /Libelula |
08:05 | Recap and results of past MaPriC events by theme Yaklan Andrea Zapata, GIZ Colombia Presentation of the summary video |
08:20 | Block I: Results of the Raw Materials and Climate Project -MaPriC- and its lessons learned (25min) Moderator: Yaklan Zapata, GIZ Colombia Objective: To share the results and lessons learned from implementation. Panelists:
08:45 | Block II: Mining and Climate: International Vision (20 min) Moderation: Javier Perla and Aida Figari, Plataforma LEDS LAC /Libélula Objective: To present an overview of the relationship between mining and climate from an international perspective.
09:05 | Block III: Final reflections panel, project legacy and looking to the future (50min) Part A. MaPriC's public and private sector partners (35min) Moderator: Eduardo José Sánchez, GIZ Colombia Panelists (MaPriC implementation partners):
Part B: Representatives of the German Cooperation GIZ (15 min) Moderator: Yaklan Zapata, MaPriC Project, GIZ Colombia Panelists:
09:55 | Closing Facilitators Thank you slide |
Materials and presentations

Results of the Raw Materials and Climate project:
Closing of regional mining and climate event series
Important links:
- GIZ Colombia:
- GIZ Chile:
- MaPriC Project:
About the organizers
LEDS LAC is the regional platform for Latin America and the Caribbean of the LEDS Global Partnership (LEDS GP). Launched in 2012, LEDS LAC is a platform for collaboration and action, driven by Latin American and Caribbean countries, to support the implementation of LEDS and NDCs, increase the ambition of emission reduction and adaptation targets, and define medium and long-term strategies, with a vision of a resilient and low-emission region.
LEDS LAC has developed participatory methodologies to promote peer-to-peer learning, both at the organizational and individual levels, on priority topics identified by the membership and international cooperation partners. These thematic processes combine a series of activities such as virtual sessions for dissemination and exchange of experiences, face-to-face workshops, documentation of cases and preparation of documents, all with the objective of supporting practitioners in learning and advancing together and sharing that learning with those who are initiating their work in the thematic area.