First regional event
GIZ Colombia's Raw Materials and Climate Project (MaPriC) regional event series on mining and climate change.
The raw materials sector is an important economic development factor for Colombia. It accounts for approximately 8 % of gross domestic product (GDP) and employs some 750,000 people. However, it is responsible for approximately 34 % of all greenhouse gas emissions in Colombia, so that national climate commitments (Nationally Determined Contributions or NDCs) can only be met through significant emission reductions.
In this context, the Raw Materials and Climate Project (MaPriC) aims to extract and transform raw materials with lower energy consumption or through renewable energies, and to transport them using alternative methods. Under the responsibility of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MinAmbiente) and the Ministry of Mines and Energy (Minenergía), with the support of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) of the Federal Republic of Germany, and in collaboration with partners from the public and private sectors, the project creates possibilities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and environmental pollution. To this end, concrete projects are being developed with companies in two or three sectors, such as gold mining, iron ore mining or the extraction of construction materials in Colombia or, in the case of Chile, copper mining.
The virtual event "Good business practices in the mining sector" seeks to share the progress and results of companies in the mining sector, especially in the ferronickel and stone aggregates subsectors, in the process of designing and implementing mitigation or adaptation plans, standards and projects. For more information on the webinar, click here. If you have any questions, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat by email: [email protected].
Time | Subject | Exhibitor | |
| Introduction to the session | Facilitators LEDS Platform LAC/Libélula Perú
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9:10 | Opening remarks at MaPriC's regional event series
| Sergio Antonio Ruiz, MaPriC Project Coordinator, GIZ Colombia | |
9:15 | Welcome to the session | Diego Grajales, Climate Change Coordinator, Office of Environmental and Social Affairs, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Colombia | |
9:20 | Raw Materials and Climate Panel | Eduardo José Sánchez, MaPriC Project Advisor, GIZ Colombia
Rodrigo Vasquez, Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency Program Advisor and MaPriC Project, GIZ Chile
Andrés Felipe Robledo, Technical Advisor, GIZ Colombia | |
Panel of business experiences | |||
| Best practices for climate action in the private mining sector -
Division into 2 groups | Group 1
Sergio Andrés Escudero Restrepo, Conconcreto Industrial Mining Director.
Johann Andrés Méndez Alcázar, Consultant GIZ Colombia-ARISOL.
Carlos Fernando Forero Bonell, General Director ASOGRAVAS.
Group 2
Javier Silva, Salar Contract Administration and Sustainability Management Manager
[energy efficiency]-SQM (Chile).
Magaly Chumpitaz Durand, Head of Environmental Management Pan American Silver (Peru).
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10:50 | Final Plenary |