People transforming the development


LEDS GP events at COP24 (In English)

3 December 2018


The 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP24) has started in Katowice, Poland.

During COP24, the Polish Presidency plans to focus its attention on three key topics: Technology, to show that there are climate-friendly modern solutions, such as electromobility allowing for sustainable urban development, clean air and an opportunity for modern jobs. Human, emphasizing the need to lead change together with people through solidarity and fair transformation of regions and industrial sectors. And nature, including multifunctional and sustainable forest management as part of climate neutrality and the role of forests as greenhouse gas sinks, and support for a synergic view of the three UN key conventions on climate, on biodiversity and on desertification.

There are several events happening at COP24 in which LEDS GP is either hosting or speaking at. In this special issue newsletter, we bring these events to your attention.

We look forward to seeing you at COP24.

Improving Governance Frameworks for Climate Transparency and Unlocking Ambition across All Levels

Date: 3rd December, 5-6.15pm
Location: NDC Partnership Pavilion

This event will highlight how national government and non-state and subnational action mutually reinforce each other and operate as part of a single system. Participants will share country experience to improve integration of state and non-state actors in establishing transparency frameworks for LEDS and NDCs. The event will also explore how regional Communities of Practice can facilitate the sharing of lessons and experience and what capacity-building initiatives are doing to advance the understanding of non-state and subnational mitigation actions.

2050 Strategies - Planning Towards a Resilient and Prosperous Future

Date: 5th December, 1.15-2.45pm
Location: Room 4 (Narew)
Hosts: UNFCCC, NDC Partnership, 2050 Pathways Platform, LEDS GP, UNDP, WRI.

This event will provide a platform to countries that are leading the way in developing and implementing long-term strategies for low emission development to demonstrate how these can help advance the goals of the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030, as well as be a vehicle for shorter-term climate ambition through NDCs. Panelists will also discuss the role long-term strategies need to play in the key international moments in 2019 and how actors beyond the state are supporting such strategies.

Driving NDC Implementation - the Role of Global Initiatives and Networks

Date: 7th December, 12-1:30pm
Location: German Pavilion
Host: Support for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement (SPA) Program

This side event brings together high-level political actors from national, multilateral and non-governmental institutions to examine current trends and emerging opportunities for financing and implementing increasingly ambitious NDCs. They will discuss the value of global initiatives and networks (including the NDC Partnership), the impact of large donor programs (including the UNDP NDC Support Program), and the ability to share and build upon experience (including through the IKI Cluster projects). Key topics include governance, alignment, finance (including private sector), and transparency. The format of the event will be an expert-moderated talk show that provides a critical debate that is both reflective and inspiring. The LEDS GP is pleased to participate as a panelist to share lessons on the value of networks in enabling peer-to-peer learning to advance NDC implementation.

Transport Solutions for a Transition to Low Carbon Economies in Africa

Date: 8th December, 2.30-4pm
Location: African Development Bank (AfDB) Pavilion
Hosts: AfDB- PICU 2

This side event will present the results of the study on transport emission mapping and capacity building in five cities in Africa as well as methods to capture data. The event will provide an opportunity for discussions on how low carbon infrastructure can boost social and economic development. LEDS GP is pleased to be a presenter at this event highlighting opportunities for sustainable transport solutions for Africa.

Civil Engagement for NDC Implementation: communities of practice to support scalable NDC-related interventions.

Date: 10th December, 2.30-4.00pm
Location: African Development Bank Pavilion
Hosts: Africa LEDS Partnership (AfLP) and the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA).

Communities of Practice offer a means of sharing information on best practices for creating an enabling environment for the implementation of NDC-related interventions to meet international climate commitments. This event will highlight the importance of communities of practice in meeting electrification targets in Africa, using the example of the Africa Mini-grids Community of Practice. It will discuss the viability of using these communities to plan, implement and fast-track scalable NDC-related targets. This event will seek to increase awareness and encourage participation of African countries in these high-impact communities for achieving NDC and development goals.

Sustained Cross-Country Learning and Collaboration through Regional Communities of Practice for NDC Implementation

Date: 10th December, 5-6.15pm
Location: NDC Partnership Pavilion
Hosts: Government of Vietnam, LEDS GP, Asia LEDS Partnership, NDC Partnership

At this side event, the Governments of Vietnam will showcase recent lessons in taking forward its NDC targets. The event will offer insights into the LEDS Global Partnership and the NDC Partnership available services and resources to support developing countries in achieving NDC goals. It will also highlight the success of LEDS GP Communities of Practice in fostering peer-to-peer learning amongst developing countries to achieve NDC goals. This event will feature distinguished representatives from government and non-governmental sectors from various countries working on policies and programs that are resulting from these communities.
