People transforming development

About the event

The joint regional event "Climate action in times of crisis: enhancing sustainable post-COVID-19 recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean".was born with the intention of joining the efforts of important initiatives, programs and organizations in the Latin American and Caribbean region that work to promote climate action and the transformation of development in the countries of the region. Thus, the EUROCLIMA+ program, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the LEDS LAC Regional Platform launch this initiative that seeks to be an open space for meeting, collaboration and learning in three priority thematic areas of current relevance: the design of long-term strategies with zero emissions, the updating of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the increase of their ambition, and sectoral action reflected in transportation and sustainable mobility.

The health and economic crisis unleashed by COVID-19 poses the challenge of not neglecting climate commitments in a context of post-pandemic recovery priorities and is presented as a window of opportunity to propose these climate actions and strategies as alternatives to enhance the green recovery of the countries in the region.

This regional initiative is made up of a set of virtual activities to be carried out between September and December 2020 and with a diversity of formats, methodologies and specific topics. Each thematic axis provides a common thread that seeks to articulate the offer of activities towards concrete results, give visibility to the different experiences existing in the region and provide spaces for interaction and collaboration among participants, while systematizing the lessons learned, good practices and needs of the countries to consolidate the final products of the process. This is expected to promote coherence and synergies between countries, projects and programs in the region to accelerate and increase ambition and climate action, seeking their integration into the recovery agenda.

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