To guide the necessary transformations in sectors of the economy, the Paris Agreement invites countries to formulate and communicate long-term low-emission development strategies (LTS). Such LTS will help countries establish their vision of a decarbonized economy and identify cross-cutting and sectoral policy roadmaps to be implemented over time to achieve their vision in an economically beneficial and socially just manner. Governments in the LAC region are making progress in the formulation of LTS. However, given the new nature of this instrument, there are many doubts about its relevance, its role in public policy and investment planning, the basic elements that constitute it, and the processes and tools for its formulation. It is therefore necessary to address what LTS are, how they can be developed and how they can play an effective role in climate action, sustainable development and green recovery.
In this first session of the thematic axis, we will listen to an introductory presentation on the regional context in the design of long-term climate strategies. We will then move on to group work to reflect on how the situation imposed by COVID-19 affects the LTS (opportunities and challenges), what experiences, good practices and useful lessons learned we have and can share, what we identify that we are lacking (needs), and what we need to do in the future.
Introductory Presentation "Long-term Strategies for Decarbonization
- Towards Zero Net Emissions Development" Marcela Jaramillo, Climate Change Policy Expert, IDB
Participatory work in groups.
Plenary: Final reflection on the results of the group works