Welcome and inauguration of the joint event.
Scientific evidence indicates that the global sum of emission reduction efforts that each country has committed to in its NDCs is insufficient to reach the 1.5oC climate target (IPCC, 2018; UNEP, 2019). Specifically, Latin America and the Caribbean as a region has been decarbonizing its economies at a lower rate than required to meet the NDCs (ECLAC, 2019). That is why, at the 2019 World Climate Summit, convened by the United Nations Secretary General, a call was made to increase the ambition of the NDCs to be submitted by countries in 2020, adding new actors to the process. In the current context of the health crisis generated by COVID-19 with major socioeconomic impacts, NDCs can be a vehicle that contributes to the recovery process.
In this session we will listen to an introductory presentation on the regional context of NDC implementation and updating. Then we will work in groups to reflect on how the situation imposed by COVID-19 affects the NDCs (opportunities and challenges)? what experiences, good practices and useful lessons learned do we have and can we share? what do we identify that we still need to do (needs)?
Introductory presentations on the axis.
- "Speed of decarbonization in LAC and climate action for a green recovery", Joseluis Samaniego, Director of the Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division, ECLAC.
- "Ambition, acceleration and mobilization for NDC implementation in LAC", Lyes Ferroukhi, Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean of UNDP's Nature, Environment and Climate team.